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Looking For Opportunity

Christian Leadership Alliance: Seeking to serve others

“Every honest effort you make to help other people will come back to you in some way, at some time, and often when you least expect it.”—Brian Tracy  “The Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary…

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The Stamp of Approval

An Interview by Laura Leonard for Outcomes Magazine As president of ECFA, Dan Busby is out to help churches and Christ-centered organizations operate with sound financial practices. ECFA offers accreditation for organizations that meet the ECFA   standards. Outcomes spoke with Busby about the importance of wise financial stewardship for Christian ministries. How does accreditation with…

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The Significance of Your Influence

Israel L. Gaither If you are a leader who is serious about making a difference in your role, I suggest you consider the why of the responsibility you have been privileged to engage in. As a believer, you are gifted with a task that is too noble to describe merely as a profession. You are…

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CLATV: Internet TV and Radio is Here!

Christian Leadership Alliance Announces: CLATV Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is pleased to introduce its new multi-channel Internet TV & Radio eStation, CLATV. This new innovative learning experience has been designed to bring Christian leaders, like you, content that will educate, inform, and inspire your leadership journey. CLATV advances CLA’s mission to equip and unite leaders…

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Should Christians Save for Retirement?

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. This is one of those “elephant in the room” questions. Before I try to tackle it in a blog post I want to share three statements that reveal the basis for my thinking: I will approach this question from a biblical perspective. Should you grapple with my comments, please search…

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The Whole is Greater

By Bill Blacquiere As leaders, it can be easy to slip into focusing solely on individual achievement for both our organizations and us. We need to remember, however, that when we effectively partner with others, we have the opportunity to see an example of the adage, “The whole is greater than the sum of its…

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Generosity: The Road Less Traveled

Rich Haynie From the beginning of this nation, charitable giving has hovered around the 2-3% average of personal income.  All the transactional and cultural techniques have not significantly increased our generosity for 200+ years.  We need a revolution . . .a transformation for increased generosity! Surveys validate that an understanding of the truth “God owns…

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More Blessed: To Give or Receive?

By Lilya Wagner One of the most familiar texts in the Bible — that we remember from our childhood efforts to memorize key texts, and that has also taken on the air of an aphorism — is from Acts 20:35 in which Jesus is quoted as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” That…

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Mission True: Talking Leadership with Peter Greer

An interview with Peter K. Greer CLA president and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Peter Greer, president and CEO of HOPE International. HOPE International is a network of microfinance institutions and savings and credit associations operating in 17 nations worldwide. HOPE empowers men, women, and families to break cycles of physical and spiritual poverty through discipleship,…

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Boards and Fundraising: 4 Keys

By Ron Haas When Warren Buffet purchases a company, he requires his new managers to purchase stock. He believes that executives with “skin in the game” make better decisions. Buffet is unknowingly expressing a biblical truth, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34). Board members who don’t give show that their…

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