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The Steward Leader as Risk-Taker by Kent Wilson Ph.D.

By Kent Wilson Ph.D. Over my 30-some years of managing organizations and resources as a nonprofit leader, I’ve been blessed to see significant growth and expansion in the organizations, but I’ve also experienced significant failure as well. I’ve experienced the highs of growth in mission, resources, and funding, but I’ve also overseen the failure of…

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Insights From a Mentoring Expert

Why Does mentoring matter? Katy Dickinson, founder and principal of Katy Dickinson Consulting, says mentoring programs transform not only the individuals involved but also the company itself. Over the years she has developed mentoring programs at organizations around the globe, including Sun Microsystems. She has also spearheaded the TechWomen mentoring initiative at the U.S. Department…

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Stewards of Change by Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent Change is normal. Some of it is not welcome. Some of it is. The difference is usually what we selfishly perceive the benefit to be. We are not so altruistic that we welcome change benefiting others when it calls for sacrifice from us. When we resist change, we do well to…

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An Interview with Christine Caine

Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA ) president and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Christine Caine, director of Equip and Empower Ministries. A member of the leadership team for Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia, Christine and her husband Nick are also the founders of The A21 Campaign, an anti-human trafficking organization with the ambition of abolishing slavery…

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Waiting on the Wind of God by Dr. Jeffrey W. Steed

By Dr. Jeffrey W. Steed The sails are prepared for action. The marine batteries are fully charged. The drinking water tank is full. The weather has been checked to ensure there are no pending storms. The gas tank is topped off. The boat’s food pantry is fully stocked. It is time to experience the wide…

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Stewards Hold Power Loosely by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich As much as we want to believe we are irreplaceable, that we are the glue holding our organizations together, the reality is we are replaceable.  The day after we leave our organization, the sun will rise, the earth will continue to spin, and God’s Kingdom will flourish.  Jesus entrusted His Kingdom expansion…

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Leaders for this Time and Place

Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.      Proverbs 19:20 At The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, Christian leaders will explore the times we are in and the stewardship responsibilities that come with them. The 2015 keynote presenters are prayerfully studying God’s Word and waiting on him for the…

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The True Freedom of a Steward Leader by R. Scott Rodin Ph.D.

By R. Scott Rodin Ph.D. A bookmark of mine carries a thought that has stayed with me throughout my years in leadership. It reads: It doesn’t matter if the world knows, or sees or understands, the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands. Leaders are exposed to opportunities to generate applause. …

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Embrace Your Leadership Season

  Have you ever thought of your leadership position as a season you’ve been called to for this exact time and place? For some, you are at the beginning of your leadership journey and experiencing one of your first assignments. You are filled with anticipation and fully open to however God plans to lead. You…

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13 Ways to LIFT Your Leadership

Tension is growing around the world. More than ever God is placing Christian leaders in situations that require bold faith and the strength to stand unshaken in the midst of fierce cultural winds. Now is the time for all leaders to be steadfast in prayer, study of the Word, and deliberately invest in their leadership.…

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