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Summer Term at the CLA Center for Online Learning Goes Where You Go!

Summer Term Starts at Outcomes Academy Online! Christian Leadership Alliance is committed to equipping leaders. The Outcomes Academy Online offers two professionally facilitated, 10-week cohorts this summer. If you want to develop mission-critical competencies, expand leadership capacity, and align practices with biblically influenced principles, join the Outcomes Academy Online. If you are not a current…

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What Kind of Leader Am I? By Eddie Baugher

Choosing Between Being a Serving or a Self-Serving Leader As we consider the question, “Am I a serving leader or a self-serving leader?” We need to do so with honesty through God’s eyes (as He sees us).  I believe this is difficult but not impossible to do.  Early Narratives From a very young age we…

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Be Equipped for Next Level Leadership By Megan Pacheco

Are you ready to achieve next level leadership? Most leaders seek to take their leadership to the next level. If you do a simple Amazon search, you’ll find over 60,000 books on leadership. Most of them give one-sided advice, and judging by the leadership results in the marketplace, they’re failing to produce good leaders. According…

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You’ve Got to Want It By Phyllis Hendry Halverson

How hard will you pursue what you really want?   “You’ve got to REALLY want it!” he shouted. “GET THE BALL!” I was pretty frustrated with this father, who had been shouting this same mantra to his daughter throughout the game. As these seventh-grade girls struggled, the intensity of his “encouragement” elevated. However, I understood…

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Reflecting Jesus By Phyllis Hendry Halverson

Reflecting Jesus in the Moment-to-Moment I don’t know about you, but my heart is racing to think about reflecting Jesus. And at this minute, I am running to the Father just as Jesus did. It’s the only way. We can’t do this on our own. Jesus modeled connection to the Father perfectly. Scripture shares how…

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Christian Education and Leader Development Showcase

  Friday Showcase: Higher Education and Leadership Training The week the Alliance showcases higher education and organizations that offer academic degrees and  in-depth leadership training.  Christian Leadership Alliance exists to equip and unite leaders call to transform the world for Christ. For over 40 years, the Christian Leadership Alliance community has put its years of…

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Equip Your Employees By Roby Walker

Equip Your Employees by Investing in Them The dictionary defines the word “equip” as “to make ready… to furnish for service or action by appropriate provisioning.” Equipping is the what. But how you equip varies by each individual and can be overwhelming to think about. Generational Differences And perhaps the best starting point is to…

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A Heart to Reflect Jesus By Phyllis Hennecy Hendry

Do you have a heart that longs to reflect Jesus? I don’t know about you, but my heart is racing to think about reflecting Jesus. And at this minute, I am running to the Father just as Jesus did. It’s the only way. We can’t do this on our own. Jesus modeled connection to the…

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Abounding in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving for the featured sponsors and exhibitors – #Outcomes19 Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for the sponsors and exhibitors who supported the Outcomes Conference 2019. This post is in honor of the ministries, organizations and businesses that dedicate their time, talents and resources to strengthening those called to lead and serve in churches, nonprofit ministry…

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Increase SEO Value By DJ Chuang

  Six Steps To Increase SEO Value Of Your Nonprofit Website A lot has changed for the internet and search engine optimization (SEO), but there are some tried and true ways to increase your site’s rankings and bring you the traffic you need to grow. Here are six industry-proven steps you can incorporate today. Use…

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