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Leadership Contradictions

By Kent Wilson Ph.D. Sometimes leadership isn’t that simple or straight forward—in fact, many times. People like to believe that their leaders are honest, moral, vision-driven influencers that express their leadership in understandable and consistent ways. But leading people isn’t always that simple or consistent (at least from an outsider’s point of view). One of…

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Leadership Lessons From A Life Of Ministry

By Judy Douglass Leaders are learners. At least that’s my experience. I’m a reader, so I learn a lot from the blogs, articles, and books I read. I also learn because I’m (by background) a curious journalist and I ask a lot of questions. And, hopefully, I keep my eyes open to absorb what I…

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Leadership: What Christian Women Need to Know

By Halee Gray Scott Ph.D. Christian women have been shamed into a corner. Many have bought the lie that they are the second sex—they do not matter and they are not gifted, at least not in the ways that matter most. They got the message that they need to limit their horizons, temper their ambitions.…

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A Steward’s Relationship With the Owner By Kent R. Wilson

Most definitions of stewardship include in one way or another the concept “to manage resources that belong to another.” But what most definitions miss is a critical aspect of a steward’s role: that stewards manage those resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the owner. Stewards are the representatives of the owner…

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Stewardship and Governance By Kent R. Wilson

Practical, focused nonprofit organizational governance is complex to find these days in spite of hundreds of thousands of boards that oversee these organizations. Why is that? A clue could be found in the fact that among the countless print and online resources on governance, few base their approach on a clear understanding of stewardship. Yes,…

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A New Battle for Hearts, Minds and Global Redemption By Gordon Marcy

With the Internet becoming increasingly important for nearly everybody, I’m amazed that many Christian leaders and ministries are still reluctant to develop full-time online outreach. The Internet is not a fad. Usage continues to soar, and there’s no sign of slowing down. In 2013, over 2.7 billion people were using the Internet, representing 39% of…

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How The Internet is Changing Evangelism and Missions By John Edminston

There are currently 2.4 billion active Internet users, and another 3 billion are expected to be online within five years as cell phones increasingly become Internet-enabled smartphones and as cheap digital devices proliferate. The changes are not only quantitative; they are also qualitative. The essential dynamics of Christian ministry are being fundamentally altered. The heart…

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People: A Leverage Point for Change By James Lewis CCNL

Your ministry is aging. The internal culture has changed, and the external context is vastly different than what you started with twenty or even ten years ago. To adjust to these changes many start by reviewing their mission statement, which defines the organization as a whole. However, my studies and experience have led me to…

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Ministry for Women in Leadership By Dr. Halee Scott

Ann initially applied as an administrative assistant at a ministry in Tennessee when her husband lost his job in the economic recession 2008. Upper management quickly saw she had an excellent mind for business, and she catapulted through the ranks in the organization, eventually becoming the company’s first female vice president. Under her leadership, her…

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