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The Power of Modeling By Mark L. Vincent

  The model you show is your base of power. It brings and holds power more than what you know or who you know. Over and over education experts tell us that lecturing is the worst kind of teaching model and that modeling behavior is best–especially if one wishes their leadership to be respected and…

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Anchoring Questions By Mark Stevenson and Lindsay Olesberg

ANCHORING QUESTIONS FOR YOUR BOARD AND TEAM In our experience walking alongside executive and board leaders during crucial transitions, the difference depends on the anchoring questions driving the conversation. This has been especially true over the last few months of our work. Periods of intensified strain burden leaders and organizations, but can also become fertile…

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Frame Your Appeal By Ron Frey

How will you frame your appeal now? How is your fundraising appeal doing in the midst of massive cultural change? The impact of COVID-19, George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the polarization of politics around so many social and economic issues, are shifting what donors feel is their highest priority for giving. How…

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A Cosmic Lifeguard By Jon Lewis

 A Cosmic Lifeguard and a Lesson from Genesis The hot sun glistens off the water of the busy community swimming pool as the lifeguard, high up in his elevated chair, scans the summer bathers with a trained eye. Suddenly, he blows his whistle and points to a cluster of young boys engaged in some energetic…

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5 Ways to Focus Board Meetings By Randy Bronkema

5 Ways to Change the Focus of Your Board Meetings You can begin to change the focus your board meeting and achieve great and meaningful work by focusing on five key priorities. Mission First Every time you meet, review the mission and make this a focus. Ensure that your organization has a clear view of…

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The Time to Become Less By Howard Rich

Stewards Know When It is Time to Become Less Take a moment and think back to a time when you were placed in a new leadership where someone was willing to become less significant because of your new assignment.  Was there an advocate that believed in your abilities?  Did someone push you along? Our Advocates…

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Culture Over Vision or Mission By Doug Mazza

The Culture far outweighs an organization’s vision or mission. Your culture is more important to your success than your vision or mission. All sustainable success requires a great culture. “May the God who gives endurance, and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one…

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A Moses Approach to Rebellion By Paul Swamidass

Lessons from Moses on Dealing with Rebellion In Exodus 17:4 we find a perfect description of a rebellion against a leader, “They are almost ready to stone me.” These were the alarming words of Moses while approaching God for help, when the people of Israel turned rebellious. Although these words sound ominous, these alarming words…

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Leadership in the Pandemic Age by Richard E. Simmons III

Leadership in the Time of a Pandemic Lately, I’ve been asked to provide advice to leaders on how they should be viewing their leadership approach in this pandemic time. Lessons From the Past When I was seven and eight years old (which would have been 1960 and 1961) I remember vividly the great fear people…

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Leading a New Normal or Managing Collapse? by Dr. Nathan Baxter

Are You Leading to a New Normal or Managing Nonprofit Collapse? One of the CEOs I coach leads an organization with almost five hundred employees. In a video call with him this week, he began by explaining how he spent two days calculating when the organization would ran out of cash. After ten minutes of…

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