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Stewarding Life Transitions By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Understand Transitions and Learn How to Embrace Them Life transitions are inevitable, encompassing shifts in relationships, careers, health, living arrangements, and personal identity. Whether anticipated or sudden, like the loss of a loved one or unexpected illness, these transitions demand adjustment to new circumstances, roles, and responsibilities. Emotions such as excitement, anxiety, grief, and hope…

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Faithful in All Things By R. Scott Rodin

Becoming Faithful Steward Leaders We are called first to be faithful stewards in every area of our lives. As we walk that journey and are called to leadership positions, our steward’s worldview will carry over and impact every aspect of our leadership role. In this blog, I want to focus on how we, as steward…

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A Community of Transformation By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Stewarding A Community of Transformation Healthy, thriving, and responsive are many of the latest buzzwords used to describe a positive organizational community or environment. These adjectives capture what is most true about organizations, churches, companies, and ministries. They are human – living, breathing – heart, mind, soul, flesh. They are us. Good leaders steward wisely…

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Flourishing in Faith and Work By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Learn to Flourish in Faith and Work We recently hosted a webinar called “Flourishing in Faith and Work” wherein the participants came from various backgrounds and understanding of the theology of work. One of the ladies in my breakout group says that she works for economic reasons. She is a young single mom who works…

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The Wisdom of Solomon By Zándra Bishop

The Wisdom of Solomon: Successful Business with a Lion Heart Effective business leaders take heed to the wisdom God gifted Solomon. The question is, “Are you building a workplace environment filled with wise leadership?” We should all strive to follow the valuable examples Solomon has provided for us to become productive stewards of God, from…

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Let Wisdom Guide By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Wisdom that Will Guide You Wisdom is the the hallmark of a steward’s life. Being a steward leader is not a description of activities, rather it describes one’s character and one’s view of self, others, and God. It is the daily commitment to being molded and shaped, rather than creating new habits or organizational…

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Unraveling Generosity By Mark L. Vincent

Unraveling Generosity and Creating a Manifesto to Redefine It We are now at least two generations into unraveling generosity as an anchoring cornerstone of Western Culture. For years, research surveys showed that people who attended synagogue, mosque, or church every week were the last bastion of generosity as a life practice. Even this is in rapid decline…

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From Steward to Steward Leader By D’Arcy Dretke Maher

Transforming from a Steward to a Steward Leader: What is the Process? We are all stewards, and some are called to be leaders. This premise is examined and developed by R. Scott Rodin in The Steward Leader: Transforming People, Organizations and Communities. Rodin posits that leadership emerges through a process of daily transformation (2010, p.…

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The Meaning of Allegiance By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Steward’s Allegiance A steward leader’s activity must be rooted in their attention and allegiance to their owner. Our owner guides the direction of a steward’s service to others. The question of allegiance is central to the very definition of a steward because we must answer who owns us. The King and His Kingdom supersedes…

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Focus on Faithfulness By Larry Gadbaugh

  What does faithfulness look like in this season? This question about faithfulness has become an essential in my pursuit of being a good steward of my calling.  Discerning the answer to this question helps me gain direction during the most challenging and uncertain periods of leading our organization. As the new CEO of First…

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