Posts Tagged ‘Steward Leaders’
The Seek-First Leader by Wesley K. Willmer
Are you a “Seek-First” leader? Have you ever asked what are the traits of a Matthew 6:33 “…seek first the kingdom of God” leader and the organizations they serve? “SEEK FIRST” is the Christian Leadership Alliance Outcomes Conference 2025 theme, and it seems timely to explore what it means to be a seek-first leader. With…
Read MoreCulture Care: Possible or Impossible? By Jon Lewis
A Steward Leader’s Call for Culture Care The moment came toward the end of my seminar with fifty-five African men and women involved in ministry in Kinshasa, DRC. The subject was Creation Care, and I was delighted to see how the topic was inspiring new thoughts and convictions on the part of my participants. It…
Read MoreLiving as Generous Stewards of God Dr. Zenet MaraMara
Understanding Our Generous God God is a generous God who freely gives abundantly and sacrificially. Romans 8:32 states, “He, who did not spare his son, but gave him up for us all—how will not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” Understanding God’s generosity and looking to him as the ultimate model…
Read MoreNeither Born nor Made By R. Scott Rodin
The Truth Beyond the “Born or Made” Debate There’s an ongoing debate in leadership studies as to whether great leaders are born or made. The nature vs. nurture discussion has focused on successful leadership traits and asked whether these were inherent in some people’s DNA or acquired skills that some people have learned and plied…
Read MoreA Community of Transformation By Andrea Leigh Capuyan
Stewarding A Community of Transformation Healthy, thriving, and responsive are many of the latest buzzwords used to describe a positive organizational community or environment. These adjectives capture what is most true about organizations, churches, companies, and ministries. They are human – living, breathing – heart, mind, soul, flesh. They are us. Good leaders steward wisely…
Read MoreStewarding the Mystery of God By Jon Lewis
It is a great gift to be a steward of the Mystery of God. I love a good mystery! Few things are more entertaining to me than reading an old Sherlock Holmes story or watching a rerun of the Agatha Christie Poirot mini-series. That’s why I’ve been intrigued by what the Bible calls, the “mysteries…
Read MoreThe Artistry of a Steward Leader By Andrea Leigh Capuyan
What does artistry have do to with steward leadership? As leaders, there is artistry we bring to stewarding others well. Stewarding requires precision, imagination, and dedication. Two-dimensional models or rigid formulas do not capture the flexibility and creativity needed by a good steward leader. We must be responsive to others and the process. We risk…
Read MorePrayer for Steward Leaders and Boards By R. Scott Rodin
An Exercise of Prayer for Steward Leaders and Steward Boards I grew up in a highly liturgical church, and I still love the planned intentionality of moving through prayer, reading, and response rituals. I love liturgy. We wrote a liturgy to support our Steward Declaration, and I hope you will consider using it as part…
Read MoreAn Advent Reflection By Mark L. Vincent
An Advent Reflection for Steward Leaders The acts of worship in which we engage during Advent are also ways we remember. But what exactly are we remembering? Remembering Lorie White tulips were Lorie’s favorite flower. We had hundreds of long-stemmed ones at her standing-room-only memorial service that people could take home in her memory. She’s…
Read MoreHow to Prepare for Future Success by Howard Rich
Stewards educate, equip, and empower others for future success. A test for a leader is how well she prepared her organization and people for success after she is no longer around. A thoughtful leader will make sure she has a well thought-out and strategically implemented exit plan. As much as we want to believe we…
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