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The Journey to Becoming By Benn Lee

Ben Lee is principal at Olympia Elementary School in Danvers, IL, and leads the Christian Education Team at North Danvers Mennonite Church, where he previously served as the community-based youth minister. Below are his reflections from the Biblical Foundations of Leadership module via the Christian Leadership Alliance Online Academy. Participants reviewed Scott Rodin’s outline of…

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Ministries Don’t Need Money! By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Now that I have your attention allow me to explain my statement. The New Testament presents at least three things ministries (groups of Christ-followers working together on mission) need, and money is not one of them. 1.     Ministries need leaders who are free of the love of money and full of the love of God…

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5 Ways to Grow Godly Givers & Giving By Brian Kluth

For a car to run well, all the pistons must be firing properly. For a church or ministry’s finances to run well, all the “generosity” pistons must be firing as the church moves forward down the road.  To develop a generosity culture, it is important to understand these five spiritual and practical pistons needed to…

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What’s Driving Your Donors? By Larry Johnston

 In seminars I do at conferences, I’ll frequently ask, “What is the primary purpose of development?” Answers vary, but they cluster in several areas, like raising funds, building relationships, advancing the organization’s mission, and teaching stewardship. There’s truth in all these, but I’m doubtful about “teaching” stewardship. That’s a role of some excellent ministries, and…

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Stewardship and Governance By Kent R. Wilson

Practical, focused nonprofit organizational governance is complex to find these days in spite of hundreds of thousands of boards that oversee these organizations. Why is that? A clue could be found in the fact that among the countless print and online resources on governance, few base their approach on a clear understanding of stewardship. Yes,…

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Getting Out of the Maze by R. Scott Rodin

Find the Way Out Jesus proclaimed that He is ‘the way, the truth, and the life.” If that is right (and it is), why do we sometimes feel like we have lost our way? In our careers in leadership, we will find ourselves from time to time feeling like we are just muddling through rather…

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Caretakers of Creation By Howard Rich

I was recently remembering the environmental and anti-littering commercials that were on television during my childhood.  Maybe you remember them too.  One ad campaign featured a Native American seated on a horse, a tear of sadness rolling down his cheek, as he gazed upon the litter piled up in the valley below him.  These commercials…

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What We Need Every Day By Doug Thorson

As Christ followers we have been rescued from living a selfish and aimless life of sin and been reconciled to God as Father for the enjoyment of His great love and Kingdom purposes.  This rescue came through the death of Christ, on the cross, for our sins that we might no longer live for ourselves…

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God’s Word And Your Leadership Style By George Warton

From the perspective of the Christ following leader there is an inherent coupling between a personal relationship with Christ and the ability to effectively execute as a leader in an organization.  The challenge is that there is little analysis that supports this seemingly intuitive assertion.  Most literature is anecdotal in nature demanding further study through…

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Christian Generosity Step #1: Trust God By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

As the financial world seems to be collapsing, you’ve probably been tempted to get stressed out and worry about your personal or ministry finances. I know I have! I feel this pressure from our culture, and it feels like the world’s weight on my shoulders. I also get it from a verse I believe could…

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