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Lionel Mayell: Great Doors with Little Hinges By Ney Bailey

Did you know that great doors swing on little hinges? I’ve heard it said, “Great doors swing on little hinges’ and at 5’2″, Lionel Mayell was a “little hinge.” Lionel had a huge impact on Christianity in the last century (and into the present day)—perhaps more than anyone else. Lionel Mayell I choke up when…

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The Holy Spirit and Board Governance By Dr. Gary Hoag

What difference does the Holy Spirit bring to board governance? Board members of Christ-centered churches and ministries face a great temptation. We can fall into the trap of ruling and controlling the work at a church or ministry, rather than serving as overseers of work that belongs to God. How do we avoid this pitfall?…

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A Pursuit of Lifelong Learning By W. Scott Brown

Are you dedicated to lifelong learning? Here at Christian Leadership Alliance we believe deeply in lifelong learning. That’s because we know it’s how you will best hone your skills to have lasting impact for Christ. That’s why we’re offering a dynamic lineup of in-depth, yet practical and biblically-based, learning experiences at The Outcomes Conference in Dallas,…

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Re-Focused Generosity By Patrick Johnson

Re-Focused Generosity: Mirroring Our Father’s Heart Do you remember what generosity feels like to give a child an unexpected gift? I love recalling when I’ve been sidelined by my love for my children…a meaningful “way-past-my-bedtime” phone call with one in college or a “dad’s-gone nuts-and-mom-may-kill-him” giant sticky ice cream cone before dinner are gifts that…

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A Coaching Culture By Heather Mausz

Instilling a Coaching Culture Many organizations have made a strategic decision to depart from the traditional employee performance review system in favor of the more growth-minded option of coaching. In coaching, an employee is paired with a senior employee who works with them on their career progression. For decades, organizations have evaluated employees based on…

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My Grown-Up Christmas List By Dr. Gary Hoag

What is on your grown-up Christmas list this year? One of my favorite contemporary Christmas songs is “My Grown-up Christmas List” made famous by Amy Grant. Hopefully it is familiar to you. Two sections of the lyrics always grip me: the chorus and the climax.  Consider the Chorus She leads into it with this statement:…

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God’s Desire? By Mart Green

What does God desire for us to do with what we have? God’s desire? A short answer to this question would be that we should invest our earnings in three ways: giving, saving, and spending. How we allocate to these three buckets will be completely based on our heart — the choice is left to…

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Successful Succession Planning Insights By Mark L. Vincent

  Successful Succession: Continuous Organizational Leadership I’ve witnessed many succession plans, leadership transitions and led several during my career. These experiences led me to develop a theology of ending well, studying bible story accounts of when leadership succession worked and when it didn’t. I wanted to know if divine guidance was present in any of…

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Getting Composed By Rob McKenna

Getting Composed Under Pressure Six months ago I finished the book Composed: The Heart and Science of Leading Under Pressure. I wrote the book based on my research over the last sixteen years on the strategies that enable leaders to to maintain a sense of themselves and a connection to others during the highest pressure…

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Generational Diversity By Heather Mausz

Managing Generational Diversity in the Workplace Many employers have preconceived notions about who a person is based on their generation. Perhaps they see Millennials as entitled or Baby Boomers as stuck in their ways, and it’s hard to imagine how a generation with a reputation for enjoying less work and more play can coexist with…

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