A Pursuit of Lifelong Learning By W. Scott Brown
Are you dedicated to lifelong learning?
Here at Christian Leadership Alliance we believe deeply in lifelong learning. That’s because we know it’s how you will best hone your skills to have lasting impact for Christ.
That’s why we’re offering a dynamic lineup of in-depth, yet practical and biblically-based, learning experiences at The Outcomes Conference in Dallas, April 16-18, 2019.(Don’t miss the Jan. 31 Outcomes Conference savings deadline).
And it’s why we offer state-of-the-art online leadership modules through the Outcomes Academy, including our upcoming Winter 2019 lineup (Jan. 14 registration deadline).
Taking Responsibility for Lifelong Learning
Noted management and leadership expert Peter Drucker recognized the vital importance of lifelong learning. In his book Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Routledge, 1985), Drucker said:
“The correct assumption in an entrepreneurial society is that individuals will have to learn new things well after they have become adults—and maybe more than once… One implication of this is that individuals will increasingly have to take responsibility for their own continuous learning and re-learning, for their own self-development and for their own careers.”
In other words, you’re responsible for your own continuing development as a leader! But you’re also responsible for others. As a leader, you must ensure that your entire team continues to grow through lifelong learning.
Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once humorously quipped:
“The only thing worse than training an employee and having them leave, is to not train them, and have them stay.”
I think Ziglar’s right. Ongoing training is not only an important retention tool for your organization, it’s also the best way to stay cutting-edge in terms of performance. Ongoing training is vital because an organization never exceeds the competency and skills of its employees.
Earn Professional Credits for Continuing Education
Here at the Alliance, we so believe in the value of lifelong learning, that for The Outcomes Conference 2019, we’re offering multiple paths for earning valuable professional continuing education credits.
We have exciting news!
The Outcomes Conference is now an official “SHRM Recertification Provider” for 2019.
Now you’ll be able to earn valuable Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) professional development credits at this event.
At The Outcomes Conference 2019 we’ll also again offer:
- CPE – Continuing Professional Education Credits, as Christian Leadership Alliance is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA.)
- CFRE – Certified Fund Raising Executive International Points.
- CCNL – Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leader (CCNL) through Christian Leadership Alliance. You can earn up to 40 CCNL points by attending The Outcomes Conference 2019.
Attend The Outcomes Conference 2019
We encourage you to register today to join us at The Outcomes Conference 2019! You’ll save if you register by Jan. 31, 2019. And as a member you can send one individual for free when you register a group of five. (Contact our registrar to learn more – 949-487-0900, ext.118)
This conference will offer a wide array of practical, biblically-based leadership forums, intensives, workshops and more aimed at your helping you accelerate your lifelong learning journey. Our experienced faculty is comprised of leaders who have front-line experience, and who want you to succeed in pursuing your kingdom calling.
Visit www.outcomesconference.org to learn more.
Scott Brown is the Vice President for Leadership Experiences and Resources for Christian Leadership Alliance. He also serves as editor-in-chief for the Alliance’s Outcomes magazine.