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CLA Ministry Spotlight: The Navigators

 CLA Spotlights Founder’s Council Member: The Navigators The Navigators is an international, interdenominational Christian ministry established in 1933. Headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, The Navigators has spread to more than 100 countries. The Navigators family includes staff and those who work alongside staff, whose hearts beat with the passion of their motto: “To Know Christ…

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CLA Ministry Spotlight: The Salvation Army

Today’s Spotlight is on CLA Founder’s Council Member: The Salvation Army The Salvation Army, is dedicated to doing the most good! The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible, its ministry is motivated by the love of God, and its mission is to preach…

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Charitable Giving By Dr. Gary Hoag

Charitable Giving at Year-End Since the signing of the War Revenue Act of 1917 – exactly 100 years ago – Americans have used the provision in the income tax code known as the charitable gift deduction to maximize their contributions as a portion of income. This provision leads many people, especially those in higher tax…

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CLA Ministry Spotlight: World Vision

Today’s Spotlight is on CLA Founder’s Council Member: World Vision At World Vision, They’re driven by Jesus’ heart for the poor and His love for children. Kids are the focus of all they do—because when children thrive, everyone thrives. The best way to help children is to help their community stand tall, free from poverty.…

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Innovate to Great by Allen Thornburgh

Six Steps to Innovate and Drive Growth Remember Circuit City? “Where service is state of the art”? Dark, cavernous consumer electronics stores with red carpet and nearly-impossibly- knowledgeable salespeople? Ring a bell? Not if you’re under 30, because Circuit City — one of Jim Collins’ “great” companies in his bestseller Good To Great (Harper Collins,…

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Owner Boards vs. Steward Boards By R. Scott Rodin

Owner Boards vs. Steward Boards – Do you know the difference? If you follow these blogs you’ll know that we write about the difference between owner leaders and steward leaders. In a number of posts we’ve defined owner leaders as self-reliant rather than God-reliant, tying their self-image to their job and title, seeing people as…

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Equipped to Do More – A Special Offer Just for You

Are you ready to be equipped to do more? The Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leader (CCNL) program is designed to  equip leaders  to do more.  This special CLA program advances biblical principles and professional standards in Christian nonprofit organizations.  Christian nonprofits need leaders who have proven expertise and certified excellence in their professional fields. Perhaps it…

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Kingdom Strategy by Danielle Strickland

Kingdom Strategy is Connecting the Dots Strategy implies that we know what we are doing. And I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. Most of the time, I don’t really understand what’s going on exactly. What I mean is that I find kingdom strategy a bit more like a connect-the- dots game than…

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What You Need to Know About Executive Compensation By Michael E. Batts

5 Best Practices for Nonprofit Executive Compensation The approach a nonprofit organization takes to executive compensation setting is extremely important for a number of reasons. Two very significant reasons are tax compliance and public relations. Under federal tax law, a leader of a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization who is compensated excessively can be subjected to severe…

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Steward Follower By Dr. Kip Warton

Steward Follower: Called to Steward the Leader I am a follower, but sometimes I don’t do it well. Once again I am in a position the leaves me struggling with the decisions made by my boss. Yes, I lead my section but I am bound by the direction provided by my supervisor despite what appears…

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