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Wisdom and Discernment By Chris Jorgenson

How To Unlock Wisdom and Discernment in Leadership Seeking wisdom and discernment were activities shared by the great men of God. The story of Nehemiah is anchored in Nehemiah 1:4-11, during his time of fasting, mourning, and prayer. Nehemiah’s prayer sets the stage for how Nehemiah will continually seek wisdom and discernment throughout the entire…

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The Wisdom of Solomon By Zándra Bishop

The Wisdom of Solomon: Successful Business with a Lion Heart Effective business leaders take heed to the wisdom God gifted Solomon. The question is, “Are you building a workplace environment filled with wise leadership?” We should all strive to follow the valuable examples Solomon has provided for us to become productive stewards of God, from…

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To Conceal or Disclose By Alec Hill

Conceal or Disclose: When Keeping a Secret Can Be Good or Bad It takes wisdom to discern the right time to conceal or disclose sensitive information. When I became InterVarsity’s president, my intent was to be fully transparent. No secrets. But overtime, I began to rethink my approach. I came to see that some secrets…

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Let Wisdom Guide By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Wisdom that Will Guide You Wisdom is the the hallmark of a steward’s life. Being a steward leader is not a description of activities, rather it describes one’s character and one’s view of self, others, and God. It is the daily commitment to being molded and shaped, rather than creating new habits or organizational…

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Practical Advice for Leaders By Bob Lonac

  Be on Guard PLUS More Practical Advice for Leaders!   In our daily reading, Kathleen and I came across a powerful verse with practical advice: “Now be on your guard for yourselves and for every flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you guardians.” (Acts 20:28, JB Phillips) This is some of the…

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Here and Now By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Lead from the Here and Now It can be a continual challenge for a leader to remain focused on the here and now. Projecting vision and evaluating future opportunities are critical skills for effective leadership. Yet, always looking ahead can be dangerous because we can uncouple from our current reality. A reckless pursuit of something…

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Serenity Now By R. Scott Rodin

A Search for Serenity Borrowing from a ‘Seinfeld’ episode, I want serenity and Iliket it now. Let me start this blog with a confession. I am writing this as much to myself as to you. I struggle to find God’s promised “peace that passes all understanding.” I am fighting a spirit of discouragement over the…

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Timeless Words of Great Wisdom By R. Scott Rodin

Timeless Words Are Here for You Timeless words of great wisdom seem to live a circular existence. When first uttered, they amaze and inspire. However, after continued use and overuse, they become trite and are set aside. After their time in exile from popularity,, most will one day find their way back into use when…

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Wisdom Requires a Teachable Spirit By R. Scott Rodin

Why does wisdom require a teachable spirit?  Solomon has a command for us to get wisdom. He declares it in no uncertain terms. In Proverbs 4:5-9 he declares: Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will…

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Transforming Wounds into Wisdom By David Sanford

Christian Leaders: Transforming Wounds into Wisdom Jolyn Davidson is a licensed psychotherapist in practice for over thirty years. Davidson has been a consultant for and trainer of leaders of non-profit ministries and for-profit organizations here and abroad. She is a consultant to practitioners of a variety of disciplines, contributing author to several psychotherapy books, and…

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