Back to School for a Leader Like YOU!
Back To School: Outcomes Academy Fall 2020
For leaders who are learners, back to school still comes, but it often looks a little different! Christian Leadership Alliance presents the Outcomes Academy on line. This 10-week dynamic experience is broken down into five sessions. Attendees find in each session a Biblical inspiration, critical reading, interactive presentations, group discussions and finally, an opportunity to apply the new knowledge in a practical reflection action plan.
The Alliance appreciates the financial support of Cornerstone Management and how their generosity makes this educational experience affordable to leaders like you! Cornerstone provides comprehensive investment consulting and administrative solutions to nonprofit organization. They have served Christian organizations, faithfully, for over 25 years!
Registration Deadline: Sept. 21, 2020
Modules Begin: Sept. 28, 2020
Enrollment fees per module:
- $399 for Christian Leadership Alliance members
- $599 for non-members
All Academy sessions allow you to earn points towards the Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leader Program (CCNL).
These courses will give you an edge as you enter into what is typically the most active time of the year for nonprofit ministries.
Click on the title of the session to learn more and enroll!
CCNL Relationship
The module is designed to provide the leader of a nonprofit organization an executive-level view of how to create and build an engaging brand, connect that brand with various audiences, and inspire donor support. You will learn to establish your organization’s distinctive brand. You will gain insight on how to pursue a sound approach to technology in your organization’s communications. And you will gain practical, biblically-based, insight on how to build and steward transformative life-long relationships with your organization’s donors. (Two sessions in Resource Development; two sessions in Marketing & Communications; one session in Internet & Technology)
The Heart of a Leader
Biblical Foundations for People Management & Care
This module will consider the unique call of a Christian leader in stewarding an organization’s people, its “greatest asset.” The module will cover a range of topics, including a Christian perspective on work, living out the New Testament’s “one another’s” in the workplace, the discipleship of employees, and key biblical examples of the importance of effective mobilization of human giftedness in furthering kingdom purposes….
Managing the CEO/Board Relationship Well