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CLA Founder's Council Member: Christian Community Credit Union

Announcing CLA Founder’s Council Member   Christian Community Credit Union  Christian Leadership Alliance is delighted to introduce and share information with you about one of its newest Founder’s Council members, Christian Community Credit Union (CCCU). A Founder’s Council (Platinum) membership is a firm commitment to the Alliance and its mission. Those at this level care deeply…

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A Leader's Legacy By Jon Hirst

A Legacy of Stewarding Leaders In our hyperactive, personality-based leadership environment, being in the front of the room with the mic in hand is the goal. Leaders want a place at the table so that their influence can grow as they share what they know. But one of the most significant leaders in my life…

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Your Words By Mark L. Vincent

The Stewardship of Your words A sermon I once  heard focused on the five Hebrew words that Jonah preached to Nineveh: Forty-Days-More-Nineveh-Will be Destroyed. It takes more words in English, as Jonah’s Hebrew requires just one word to indicate verb tense. The preacher pointed out that these harsh yet necessary words were not great words…

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CLA Founder's Council Member: Batts Morrison Wales & Lee

Announcing CLA’s New Founder’s Council Member! Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is pleased to announce new Founder’s Council member, Batts Morrison Wales & Lee (BMWL). A Founder’s Council (Platinum level) membership signals the highest membership commitment to equipping and uniting leaders called to transform the world for Christ. When asked about their decision to support the…

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Sharing the Story: An interview with Joel Dillon

Those whom you serve tell your story best. As president and CEO of Jill’s House, Joel Dillon believes in the power of story. He seeks ways to share the story of Christ with the families he serves and to share their stories with the world. In this excerpt from the 2017 Summer edition of Outcomes…

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Which Leader Are You? By R. Scott Rodin

Are You a Paddle or Pool Cue Leader? Icons can be great reminders of spiritual truths for a leader. Consider these two for your leadership work: a paddle and a pool cue. Let’s start with the pool cue. If you’ve ever played pool you know the object of the game is to pocket the pool…

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Outcomes Focused Fundraising By Rick Dunham

Measurable outcomes matter in ministry fundraising. There’s a line of thinking among some in Christian ministry that fundraising driven by outcomes, reflected in measuring results, is wrong. In fact, from this perspective, conducting your fundraising efforts with an eye on results is actually a reflection of an unhealthy love of money. Faithfulness to God stands…

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Four Insights By Dr. Gary Hoag

Here are Four Insights for God’s Workers By Dr. Gary Hoag ~ I have four insights for God’s workers as I turn fifty this year. I’ve been in pastoral or parachurch ministry for more than half my life. As I reflect on this milestone, a passage from the Old Testament (OT) Law has been formative…

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Expand Your Kingdom Impact

How will you expand your Kingdom IMPACT? You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same…

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Beyond Performance By Bryan Taylor

Performance-driven leader, it’s time for your wake-up call! By Bryan Taylor ~ Accountability, personal responsibility, and results are words share a common theme – performance. For many Christian leaders the topic of performance is challenging. Heavy emphasis on personal performance or results can seem cold and inhumane, perhaps even unchristian. Yet Scripture is full of…

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