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Donor Fatigue? by Dr. Zenet Maramara

By Dr. Zenet Maramara That God owns everything and that we are only stewards of all resources is a biblical truth which Christians believe, but not as popularly practiced.  I teach my fundraising-students that these two basic principles of divine ownership and human stewardship should guide their ministry. To believe that God is the owner…

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4 Ways to Gracefully Let Someone Go by Jeremy Kingsley

By Jeremy Kingsley I hate firing people. My heart always wonders if I could have done more to make it work, or if I should have given them another chance. But  I know that I cannot be a good steward and continue to employ people who don’t meet the organization’s standards or reflect its values.”…

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High-Impact Investment of Time and Talents

Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance ~ Proverbs 1:5 We each have something to give and receive in this life. Engaging in a mentoring relationship is a biblical way for you to do both. Wondering if you’re truly ready to take that next step?  What follows…

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Leading a March of Fools by R. Scott Rodin, Ph.D.

By R. Scott Rodin, Ph.D. The mood in the meeting tent was thick with anger, disbelief and frustration. Ten trained leaders were ready for action. Ten warriors were prepared for battle. Forty years of frustration was ready to be appeased and four decades of struggle and suffering was about to be assuaged. And now, this.…

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Quenching the Universal Thirst for Christ by Kimm Carr

By Kimm Carr A common thread has been woven through my life. It is the power of the Word of God. I experienced the power of God’s Word from the time I grew up in church through the time of my coming to saving knowledge of Christ as a college student. It buoyed me from…

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The Word in Every Language by Dal Anderson

By Dal Anderson Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. – Matt. 28:19-20a After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no…

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The Steward Leader: A Transformation of Roles by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 teaches the principle of stewardship, and the inescapable fact nothing belongs to a person that has not been entrusted to him by the rightful owner.  God is the originator of everything in existence, He grants access to His resources at His discretion, and He…

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4 Metrics for Ministry in the Workplace by Jeff Jones

By Jeff Jones Maybe you have heard a colleague say something like:  “This isn’t the place for my spiritual growth; that’s for my church life.” While I understand this argument, I believe it is shortsighted. The ministry workplace also has a role in spiritual development. We are called to be Christ-centered communities. Any other approach…

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The Three Phrases Great Leaders Use by Jeremy Kingsley

By Jeremy Kingsley Here are some phrases that can pose difficulties to many of us when our ego gets in the way. Great leaders, however, understand their importance and master them early on. 1. “I was wrong” Whether you’ve made an outright error or had a failure of judgment, there are few things more difficult…

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The Steward Leader as Risk-Taker by Kent Wilson Ph.D.

By Kent Wilson Ph.D. Over my 30-some years of managing organizations and resources as a nonprofit leader, I’ve been blessed to see significant growth and expansion in the organizations, but I’ve also experienced significant failure as well. I’ve experienced the highs of growth in mission, resources, and funding, but I’ve also overseen the failure of…

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