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 The Religious Dimension of Russia’s War in Ukraine By Dr. Andrey Kravtsev

Faith in the War between Russia and Ukraine Early in April, the Moscow Patriarchate’s official website published “The Present and Future of the Russian World,” adopted at the XXV World Council of Russian People. The document opens with a theological rationale and lists several implications for Russian society’s political, social, and cultural life. Despite its…

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Mom Told Me I Should Listen More By Ed McDowell

Learning to Listen and More! Mom was right. When all you do is talk, it just makes other people annoyed or mad. When you listen, good things tend to happen. Reflection “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” James 1:19…

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Passion and Calling By Chris Jorgensen

The Transformational Power of Passion and Calling Nehemiah’s journey from cupbearer to transformative leader for the Israelites in Jerusalem highlights the incredible power of passion and calling in leadership. Nehemiah’s story begins with a heart-wrenching update from his brother Hanani about the dilapidated state of Jerusalem. The walls were in ruins, leaving the people vulnerable…

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Values Alignment In Investing By Richard Todd and Sarah Newman

Asking Questions About Values Alignment Investing is More Important Than Ever! Biblically responsible investing in the faith-based institutional world is growing as more products come onto the market, making it easier for faith-based institutions to invest in alignment with their beliefs. There are no official published screening guidelines for Protestants to follow, but most agree…

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Maximizing Philanthropic Impact By Westfall Gold

Philanthropic Impact for Nonprofit Christian Leaders Philanthropy plays a crucial role in advancing that mission. As leaders within the nonprofit Christian sector, we are deeply committed to stewarding our ministries and lives with excellence, honoring God. The 2024 Major Donor Generosity Report, compiled by Westfall Gold, offers valuable insights into significant donor engagement and the…

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Stewards of the Reign of Peace By R. Scott Rodin

What does the “Reign of Peace” mean to you? As you read these first few words of this blog, something is ruling in your heart. Right now, something has a hold of you, and its reign is dominating your thoughts, emotions, and attitude. What has dominion in your heart at this moment? How about when…

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Therefore By Krista Besselman

A Poem of Purpose by Krista Bessleman As the Outcomes Conference 2024 closes, Krista Besselman shares a poem that captures the heart of this year’s theme: therefore. Krista found a heart for missions accounting in Papua New Guinea and still uses what she learned in her seven years there to support Bible translation from Texas.…

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The Outcomes Conference Highlight: THE FORGE

THE FORGE – The Power of Discipleship The Outcomes Conference 2024 attendees will gather to screen the movie THE FORGE tonight. The conference theme is, therefore, a word that connects biblical truth to how God desires us to respond to it. While used throughout scripture, it appears in one of the most significant scriptures in…

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Outcomes Conference 24 Highlight: Spirit-Filled Experience Guides

Experience Guides Make Space for God to Work Conference Experience Guides make a difference! Tomorrow, April 9, the Christian Leadership Alliance community convenes for the 48th Outcomes Conference in Jacksonville, Florida. Christian nonprofit professionals across the country will gather to experience professional development, collaborative community, inspiration, and encouragement and to learn how to lead in…

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Learn to Be Human By Ryan Stillwater

The Stories that Reveal the Human Need A few years ago, I was the new development director in a new town for a regional nonprofit organization, attempting to wrap my mind around a new area of human services: domestic violence. We were preparing for our annual banquet, where I would present an overview of our…

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