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A Calling and An Action Plan By Paul Swamidass

The Apostle Paul’s Calling and His Action Plan Every call deserves an action plan. In the epistle to the Romans (Chap 1: 1-17), Apostle Paul described his calling as well as how he acted on his calling. For those, who wonder what their own calling is, and how to translate their calling into action, Paul…

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The Stewardship of Power By Howard Rich

The Stewardship of Power and Position Have you ever known someone who let power or position go to his or her head? I’ll bet it was hard for you to follow or respect that leader.  Power is an essential force in human relations that can be used for good or evil, but to be a…

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Transition and Change are Inevitable By Rich Kidd

Transition and Change are Inevitable – Growth is Optional I typically handle transition and change like a teenager learning to drive a manual transmission—lots of lurching stops and grinding gears.  The truth is only Jesus Himself has taught me to shift gears smoothly in life’s transitions. In my own life and work, I’ve found a…

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What Succeeds a Heart Attack? By Larry Gadbaugh

Have you ever wondered what succeeds a heart attack? On November 8 I had a heart attack. It wasn’t in my strategic plan. What they call “the Widow-Maker,” since I had no family history, no health indicators, or symptoms of heart problems. But, the good news is, I’ve had good recovery, a good prognosis, and…

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Keys to Successful Technology Outsourcing By Joseph Vijayam

Do you have an outsourcing strategy? “What is your outsourcing strategy?” At a recent workshop held in Silicon Valley, the speaker shared that investors frequently ask startups this question. Just as often as they ask “What is your exit strategy?”  I believe these questions come out of the reality that the Internet facilitates low-cost communication…

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Knowing the Need for Recovery By Ray Chung

My Name is Ray and I Am in Recovery Yes, my name is Ray, and I am in recovery. But not from an addiction to drugs or alcohol but from my own need to do and be more, to seek and gain approval, and to help others, even at great cost to myself and my…

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The Season of Brokenness By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Season of Being Broken Into A season of resurrection, triumph, and feasting. A season of remembrance. For Jesus the time is approaching when his body will be broken for the life of others. Around the communal table of the Passover meal, He beckons us to remember the life God created for us…”be fruitful and…

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Culture is the Secret Weapon of Brand Impact By Mark Miller

  Do you know what’s your secret brand impact weapon? First of all, brand impact is not something your organization has, it is your organization! It’s made up of tangible and visible elements: a logo, a website, print collateral. But it also involves the intangible. It’s the sum total of how others perceive you. It’s…

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Mastering Your First Meeting By Tom Yeakley

Master Your First Team Meeting for a Strong First Impression There is only one “first meeting” when forming your leadership team–you won’t be able to have a “do-over.”   Therefore, you will want to ensure that it is a success.  It will set the tone and pattern for future team meetings and if done well will…

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Pushing the Reset Button By Mark L. Vincent

Pushing the Reset Button in Three Clear Steps When we make major life adjustments, really reset or transform something, it involves three steps: Stopping the direction, we are going. Re-orienting to the new direction, we believe we need to go. Moving in a corrected direction. A Practical Lesson in Pushing Reset A couple of years…

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