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Accountability and Generosity By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Accountability is essential to inspire generosity. To encourage greater generosity to your ministry, I want to encourage you to champion accountability. The connection between accountability and generosity can be traced back to the biblical pattern set by the Apostle Paul in his international orchestration of the Jerusalem collection from A.D. 53-58. In his correspondence, we…

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Creating a People-First Environment By Kenny Jahng

You can create a people-first environment! What if you could cultivate a people-first environment, and yet not bear the burden alone? “When it comes to organizational effectiveness, a business that works must have a people-first attitude.” W. Rusty Faulks, Samaritan’s Purse When leaders are driven to maximize stewardship of resources and meeting benchmarks, there often…

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Small Behaviors or Sensational Outcomes By Ginger Hill

Will you embrace small behaviors or orchestrate sensational outcomes?  When it comes to our health improvement efforts, we often put our focus on outcomes instead of behaviors. Fall is approaching and it is a time when many of us make new health improvement commitments.  What will be your focus? What is the number on my…

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Your Fundraising Future by Amy Sewell

It’s time to prepare for your fundraising future! Have you heard the rumor that digital is an ineffective fundraising channel for the future? I have—several times. The reality that I see every day in this channel tells a very different story. Your website, email, and social networks are essential tools to building donor relationships. Additionally,…

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Excellence in Governance Opportunities for You

Inspire Excellence in the Governance of Your Ministry The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) has declared 2019 the year of excellence in Board Governance. To support this proclamation, they are offering one-day training intensives for CEOs and Board Chairs in eight different cities this fall. These events are designed to help boards become more…

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The Time That Dominates By R. Scott Rodin

Which Kind of Time Dominates Your Life and Leadership? One of the most challenging topics to study in science, philosophy, and theology is the idea of time. One helpful teaching for me has been the distinction between chronos and kairos time. TWO TYPES Chronos refers to the twenty-four hours in a day that are given…

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Tips for Good Storytelling By Jane Jeffries

5 Tips for Good Storytelling in Fundraising Good storytelling is what engages, invites, and compels a response from others. Remember when you were young, and everyone eagerly gathered around the campfire to listen to statistics?  Yeah, I don’t either. Because statistics don’t get our attention like a good story, especially in fundraising. Stories are how…

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Christian Principles in Business By Matt Fore

How Secular Business Earns Massive Profits Using Christian Principles For many years, secular business has adopted principles laid out in the word of God. Treating others as instructed by the scriptures, as it turns out, is not only the right thing to do, it’s also profitable. “Can I get a refund,” she sweetly asked the…

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Stewards Reject Pride By Howard Rich

The Danger of Pride in Leadership is Real Pride and a need to control presents itself at an early age in our lives. As children, we likely played a game called follow-the-leader, where the leader does things that the rest of the group must mimic.  The main objective is to trip up those following the…

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Confessions: An Interview with Brent C. Hofer By David Sanford

Confessions of an Angry Christian Leader Augustine’s Confessions was the very first Western autobiography. Countless others have followed. The newest is by Brent C. Hofer. Brent, what’s it about?  As Christian leaders, it’s not enough for us to manage anger. Recovery is possible. I’m living proof. Confessions of an Angry Man is my redemptive story.…

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