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A Steward Leader's Psalm By R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin There are times when a scriptural passage strikes deep in your heart. You know the kind – it sticks in your head long after you’ve read it When you go back to it you meditate on it and roll it over in your mind a thousand times. For the last three…

Jesus as Leader and Mentor By Tami Heim

By Tami Heim There is much we can learn from Jesus as leader and mentor. Jesus modeled teaching and mentoring after he called the first disciples to follow him. He connected with them where they were and shared a greater possibility of them transforming into “fishers of men.”  The Scriptures detail how Jesus deeply invested…

Lessons in Leadership by Dr. Jerry White

By Dr. Jerry White~ Many lessons in leadership can be learned when we look at the life of Nehemiah. There is a huge misunderstanding regarding excellence in a leader or a follower. It is not perfection. It is not a neat desk or persuasive charisma. It is not finishing every task with precision and success.…

Jesus Encourages by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ There is great comfort in how Jesus encourages his stewards. I have messed up in some pretty embarrassing and humiliating ways in my life. I wish I could have a do-over when that happens; like I sometimes had when I was a kid. I remember learning to play kickball in elementary…

Widow's Mite

A Widow’s Mite by Suzy West

And in the story and the gift of a widow’s mite, I remember once again what it means to give all I have to give. “And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, ‘Truly I…

God's Objectives by Kent Wilson, PhD

By Kent Wilson PhD ~ How clearly do you understand God’s objectives for your stewardship? The Parable of the Talents in Matt. 25:14-30—and its parallel in Luke 19:11-27—develops one of the richest sources of information about the steward and stewardship in the biblical record. It is from this story that we can discern the historical and…

The Rest of God. Are you experiencing it?

The Rest of God by W. Scott Brown

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.” ~Psalm 116:7 By W. Scott Brown ~ Is your soul at rest? In a world experiencing turmoil and uncertainty do you exude Christlike peace? Have you experienced the rest of God? Nothing speaks more powerfully to those we lead, or impacts more profoundly today’s restless…

The Power of Influence by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ There is much we can learn about the power of influence in the life of a leader. When a person exerts consistent and continuous influence in another person’s life or the lives of a group, that person is a leader.  When a parent helps a child decide what courses to take during…

What God's Workers Should Do by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. ~ Do you ever think about what God’s workers should do with the Word of Truth in a society that overvalues self-indulgence and entertainment and devalues education and study?  Society says: “Why study when we can play!” or “That’s someone else’s job!” or “Who needs to read books when we…

The Inner Core of Leadership

There are times in life when it is wise to seek out another leader to help you strengthen the inner core of leadership that is taking shape in you. In the book, Nonprofit Leadership in a For-Profit World, Melinda Delahoyde wrote about strengthening the inner core of leadership and then specifically identified essential leadership characteristics.…


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Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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