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Christian Leadership Alliance

Internet Evangelism: The Case for Actually Getting Results By John Edmiston

One of the most frequent objections to Internet evangelism and information technology in missions is that numbers and results are seen as worldly and, therefore, as “unspiritual.” Jesus was transformational. Jesus changed the situation that He was in. The change was visible, measurable, and often astonishing. The changes Jesus wrought were so startling that they…

Christian Leadership Alliance

A New Battle for Hearts, Minds and Global Redemption By Gordon Marcy

With the Internet becoming increasingly important for nearly everybody, I’m amazed that many Christian leaders and ministries are still reluctant to develop full-time online outreach. The Internet is not a fad. Usage continues to soar, and there’s no sign of slowing down. In 2013, over 2.7 billion people were using the Internet, representing 39% of…

Christian Leadership Alliance

How The Internet is Changing Evangelism and Missions By John Edminston

There are currently 2.4 billion active Internet users, and another 3 billion are expected to be online within five years as cell phones increasingly become Internet-enabled smartphones and as cheap digital devices proliferate. The changes are not only quantitative; they are also qualitative. The essential dynamics of Christian ministry are being fundamentally altered. The heart…

Christian Leadership Alliance

3 Reasons to Embrace Technology By Kristen Pope

Humanitarian organizations use text messaging to collect donations after a disaster. Some ministries house all their assets online for advocates to download and share. Churches have given kiosks in the lobby to cater to the new generation of cash and checkless givers. Many ministries and nonprofits successfully embrace technology to market, fundraise, and minister, and…

Christian Leadership Alliance

How to Advance Your Ministry Online By Jason Caston

The world is rapidly changing, and in order to keep up, and minister effectively to your congregation, you need to take advantage of the latest technology that your parishioners are using to stay connected with friends and family, do business, and take care of their personal and spiritual needs. This can be a confusing set…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Leading in Digital Babylon By David Kinnaman

Our team at Barna continues to explore today’s generation of younger Christians, the vitality of churches and nonprofits, and the tsunami of cultural change around us. I am convinced that we are facing an era of ministry that might be described as digital Babylon: an immersive, reality-redefining experience driven by ubiquitous access to interconnected screens…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Mobile Ministry Mistake By Dustin Dalberg

3 Mobile Ministry Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make About a month ago, Holly Rein, our Digital Ministry Consultant at Five Q, brought to my attention Think Again: Assumptions About Mobile To Reconsider by Karolina Szczur on Smashing Mag. Holly asked what I thought of it and if I had any response. First of all,…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Digital Ministry in a Post-Website World By Dr. David T. Bourgeois

The Internet is the greatest communications tool ever invented by humans. It is the most rapidly adopted communication technology of all time, available to over two billion people at this time. Social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube are growing fast, with Facebook garnering over 1 billion user accounts in seven years and YouTube…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Leading in the Glory-strength of God By Tami Heim

Be assured that from the first day, we heard of you; we haven’t stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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