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The Christ-Centered Nonprofit Board By Marilyn Sappington

Top Three Priorities of a Christ-Centered Nonprofit Board Christ-centered nonprofit organizations have a unique purpose and perspective, seeking to serve others in alignment with Christian principles. The three crucial elements for the success of a nonprofit board include the following, Mission, Vision, and Values Evangelical nonprofit boards are driven by a calling to serve Jesus…

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It’s A Call to Action by Dr. Marybeth Leavell

Do you have a call to action? I was immediately intrigued by the title and focus of this book, A Call to Action. It is accurate in its assessment of the culture and challenging in its assessment of the need. Dr. Scott Rodin articulately declared this need for action in the preface by stating: “As…

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Directed Steps By Jon Lewis

Directed Steps and Unexpected Paths Two hours into our transatlantic flight, I could tell something was wrong. Having made the long, ten-hour journey from Frankfurt, Germany to Denver, Colorado many times in the past, and having been a former mission pilot myself, I knew that the shortest, great route course was one that should take us straight…

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No Greater Love From The Alliance Staff

There is No Greater Love than This Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. ~ John 15:13, NKJV Today we thank God for the men and women who served courageously in the United States Armed Forces to defend our country and keep the family and friends they loved – free. We encourage you to take a moment on this Memorial Monday…

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The WOW of Creation By Dr. Bob Snyder

God’s Splendor on Display in Creation “For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” ~ Romans 1:20, NIV  God’s eternal power and divine nature are visible to me…

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Mindsets for When You Are Not In Charge By Michael Gunnin

The Four Mindsets for Leading When You Are Not in Charge Leading when you are not in charge is a precarious challenge. What follows are four critical mindsets if you desire to teach but don’t have a position of authority. One: Build Influence through Impact Leadership has been redefined recently as influence rather than authority.…

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Finding Your True Passion By Elaine Welcome

A Journey to Finding Passion and Purpose Fully understanding your passion can change everything about your life. Have you ever wished to attain the state of “working” without feeling like working? To ensure that every day is an exciting opportunity instead of a mundane task, why not invest in knowing your passion and ensuring that…

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A Mother’s Day Reflection By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

Celebrating a Mother’s Lifelong Influence With this past Sunday’s Mother’s Day in mind, Maestro-level leaders Founder Dr. Mark L. Vincent wrote this reflection. Today we share it with you! It was initially written for the Maestro-level leader cohort participants that receive a brief, perspective-setting note each Sunday as one resource for the cadence of the…

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Succession: Holding Legacy Loosely By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Succession Planning is the Path to a Strong Finish There comes a moment when every board or leader must plan for succession and consider those who will next lead the ministry, church, or organization. If we are willing, succession planning can become a process of personal transformation because this process can unmask any hidden desires…

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The Romans Road of Leadership By Dr. Kayon Cameron

The Romans Road to Leading Well As a believer in Christ Jesus, you may not know the Romans Road to leading well. It is vital for any Christ-follower who holds a position of influence to lead their team well. One of the crucial things for a leader is to make decisions based on information provided…

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