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How to Work Well with Working Mothers By Jessica Larson

Discover How to Work Well with Working Mothers As if wage gaps and discrimination aren’t challenge enough, working women and mothers were also hit the hardest by pandemic-related employment struggles. Many working mothers cut back or quit their jobs all together to stay home with their kids while daycares and schools were closed. Now, women…

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Unraveling Generosity By Mark L. Vincent

Unraveling Generosity and Creating a Manifesto to Redefine It We are now at least two generations into unraveling generosity as an anchoring cornerstone of Western Culture. For years, research surveys showed that people who attended synagogue, mosque, or church every week were the last bastion of generosity as a life practice. Even this is in rapid decline…

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Ambition – A Dirty Word? By Alec Hill

The Truth About Ambition A confession: I was born ambitious. From my earliest memories, I always wanted to be more, to do more, and to win. This trait showed up in sports, pursuit of grades, running for class offices, and even where I ranked as a trumpet player. My drive had both positive and negative…

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Three Steps to a Purposeful Life By Jim Brangenberg

Three Steps to a Purposeful Life and Kingdom Impact We all want to have a purposeful like and make a Kingdom impact; we all want to transform the world for Christ. And here’s the thing: God has placed you right where you are to do exactly that! iWork4Him: Change the Way You Think About Your…

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Learn to Integrate Your Faith By Martha Brangenberg

Integrate Your Faith and Work Do you want to integrate your faith at work?  God has placed you right where you are to do exactly that! And we have all the encouragement you need to take those first steps. I want to introduce you to, iWork4Him: Change the Way You Think About Your Faith at…

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Stewards of All of Creation By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Stewards of All of Life:  Caring for all of creation On September 9, 2021 a group of steward thought leaders will gather for a historic event in Warm Beach, WA to launch a document that they have been working for over a year—The Steward Manifesto. The Steward Manifesto is “an appeal and a challenge to…

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A Global Event to Equip and Unite Leaders – Everywhere

The Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience 2021 We praise God for the uncharted territories he called Christian Leadership Alliance to in 2020. We learned how the most challenging times are when the seemingly impossible becomes possible! The Miracle of Possible In mid-March 2020 Covid-19 forced us to change the way in which we conducted our…

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Don’t Make it Complex By Dr. Bob Snyder

Why do we make following Jesus complex? Sometimes I make following Jesus more complex than necessary.  The Apostle Peter suggested that it involves a proactive positive step and a proactive boundary-setting. So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t…

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Three Design Qualities that Get Results By Catalina Chavez

It’s time to focus on what matters in design! Prettier design isn’t always better. Design is more than just making your next direct response fundraising piece (digital or print) look good. It’s about making it something that’s designed to get results! Good design evokes emotion and action. It allows your donors to know exactly what…

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The Movement of God in Leadership By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Reflection and Movement of God in Leadership A practice of regular reflection is essential for a good, healthy movement of leadership. Reflection can be an invitation to allow God to uncover our hidden demands. It is my intentional focus on the movement of God in my life. My practice of reflection helps me know…

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