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Relationships and Covenant By Mark L. Vincent

A Reflection on the Importance of Relationships and Covenant The family, colleague, and client relationships in which I am immersed reflect a whole kaleidoscope of backgrounds, personalities, convictions, and skills. I live in holy covenant with these people I love, pledged to support, encourage, think, and share in the ups and downs.  Sometimes this is…

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What To Believe About Employee Wellness By Ginger Hill

Employee Wellness:  What do you believe and what do they need? Everything we do starts with what we believe. What do you believe about the role of your organization in supporting employee health and wellness?  What do you believe about what your employees need? What do you believe? From a biblical standpoint, King Solomon gives…

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Ensure a God-Honoring Legacy By David Sanford

Core Ways to Ensure a God-Honoring Legacy It’s no secret that finishing this life with a God-honoring legacy isn’t automatic and certainly isn’t easy. So, in my twenties and thirties, and again in my forties, I asked a number of older Christians to show me how it’s done. Thankfully, they agreed! A few months before…

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What’s the Key to Email Success By Chris Dolan

What’s Key to Increasing Email Success? Email is one of the most used modes of communication, which will only continue to grow as technology advances. It is important to factor this type of communication into your marketing strategy in order to stay relevant with your audience. Let’s examine a few email best practices to help…

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What Outcomes Does Your Case For Support Create? By Shelley Cochrane

Is Your Case For Support Attracting or Repelling? One of the ways nonprofits demonstrate their gift-worthiness is through a written Case for Support document. When I worked on my first Case for Support, I described our vision and mission, goals for the future, the people we were helping, the cost, and a brief history. That…

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The Greater Mission By R. Scott Rodin

The Greater Mission and Mission Statements For the past 20+ years, I have been helping organizations write or revise their mission statements. Appropriately used, mission statements are both an anchor point and a guide. By clearly articulating who we are, what we do, and why we do it, our mission statement speaks internally by keeping…

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The Significance of Segmentation By Ryan Carpenter

  Careful Segmentation Increases Collaboration Donor segmentation, the process of categorizing donors into targeted groups, is a common foundational strategy in fundraising and development. But today, leading edge platforms such as GivingDNA™ are changing the way organizations not only think about segmentation but how they more purposefully interact with donors. Some will remember the catchy…

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Does Your Board Trust You? By Henry Doorn

Leaders Must Work to Establish Board Trust and Credibility Building board trust is essential. The relationship between a CEO and board is significant to an organization and it cannot be over emphasized how important it is to establish trust and credibility. Cultivate Relationship As a leader of an organization, it is imperative that you establish…

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When Jesus Chooses to Not Play Nice By David Sanford

Powerful Ways Jesus Chooses to Not “Play Nice” To Jesus, the master conversationalist, relationship and meaning triumph over social norms…every time. He interrupts. He puzzles. He changes subject. He provokes. He monologues. It’s all fair game toward one overriding mission. This is what happens before the Bible’s most famous verse, John 3:16! A Visitor Because…

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Practical Advice for Leaders By Bob Lonac

  Be on Guard PLUS More Practical Advice for Leaders!   In our daily reading, Kathleen and I came across a powerful verse with practical advice: “Now be on your guard for yourselves and for every flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you guardians.” (Acts 20:28, JB Phillips) This is some of the…

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