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Remembering Love on This Memorial Day

There is No Greater Love It is Memorial Day 2020 and a time for us to remember the men and women who have demonstrated great love and loyalty to our country and its people. At 3:00 pm, in whatever time zone you are in, is the nationally appointed  time to pause for a moment of…

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Our “Come to Jesus” Moment By R. Scott Rodin

Is This Our ‘Come to Jesus’ Moment? Yesterday the Christian Post reported that “more than 60% of American believers of all faiths feel that the novel coronavirus pandemic is a sign that God is telling humanity in this moment to change how it is living.” It stated further that “thirty-one percent of Americans who believe…

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Whole Leaders and Thriving Ministries By Dr. Rob McKenna

How can we build up leaders- whole leaders? In order to create thriving communities of faith capable of withstanding the storms ahead for the sake of reflecting God’s love to the world around us, we must build up whole leaders. So, what is happening at the intersection of the Gospel and some really rigorous psychological…

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The Leader Development Crisis by Dr. Rob McKenna

  A Threatening Crisis – The Lack of Leader Development “What is the number one crisis threatening the future of the Church?” It was a question I asked a senior leader in a recent coaching conversation. Without hesitation he responded, “The deep-seated security of our leaders.” While we could roll past his response with only…

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Pursue Excellence By Paul Swamidass

Are you pursuing excellence? A culture of excellence in life may enable a Christian leader to take on challenges that he/she otherwise cannot. Young David Overcomes A National Crisis The nation of Israel faced an existential threat from the Philistine army when the giant, Goliath, issued a challenge to King Saul and his army (1…

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National Day of Prayer In Such a Time as This

Thursday, May 7, 2020 is the official National Day of Prayer The National Day of Prayer calls on all people of different faiths in the United States to pray for the nation and its leaders. This year, God’s people will find new ways to gather and pray. HISTORY In 1775 the Continental Congress allocated a…

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God’s Word and Wisdom for CEOs By Gary G. Hoag

3 Biblical Principles to Guide CEOs As CEO of Global Trust Partners (GTP), I dug into God’s Word for wisdom to navigate the COVID-19 crisis. Three texts came into view. They are practical and applicable for CEOs worldwide. Chart the Course The apostle Paul was on the way to Rome when a storm came up.…

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3 Questions to Guide Your New Ministry Plans by Terry A. Smith

Are You Adapting Plans to Guide You in the Current Climate? What’s guiding your current plans? For countless churches and ministries, COVID-19 has created massive disruption. Unable to gather physically, we’ve moved to online connections. Churches who didn’t have a Facebook page strategy are now scrambling to broadcast Sunday worship services live; in-person Bible studies…

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Leading a New Normal or Managing Collapse? by Dr. Nathan Baxter

Are You Leading to a New Normal or Managing Nonprofit Collapse? One of the CEOs I coach leads an organization with almost five hundred employees. In a video call with him this week, he began by explaining how he spent two days calculating when the organization would ran out of cash. After ten minutes of…

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