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Fundraising in the COVID-19 Crisis – Part I By Ron Frey

COVID-19: Fundraising in Crisis – Part I Someone recently asked: “Is this a blizzard, the onset of a long hard winter, or the beginning of an Ice Age?” ​ How do you describe these times? Life disrupted? Yes, that’s an apt description, but it’s a lot more than that. The foundation of our economy shaken?…

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Important Accounting and Auditing Updates By Junice Jones and Frank Jakosz

Important Accounting and Auditing Updates for Nonprofits Several accounting and auditing standards updates go into effect in 2020 and 2021. Nonprofits need to understand these changes and plan for effective implementation. Below is an overview of three of the key changes and how they may affect your organization. We’ll discuss these and other updates in…

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Your Team Isn’t Listening to You By Pam Marmon

5 Reasons Your Team Members Aren’t Listening to Your Ideas We can learn a lot about listening from God’s Word. In the Bible parable of the sower, Jesus describes a hardworking farmer who sows seeds in the land. Some seeds fall on fertile soil, while others fall in thorny land on the side of the…

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Organizational Change By Pam Marmon

8 Rules to Transform How You Think About Organizational Change If you’re leading a disruptive organizational change—a church-wide reorganization, for example—you’re probably feeling the pressure. Both in leadership and elsewhere in life, we’re taught to associate change with pain and discomfort. It’s no surprise then that many people fear transformation and assume the mindset that…

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Leading in Crisis By Ed McDowell

Leading in a Challenging Time of Crisis We are in a very challenging time of crisis.  Life as we knew it, has changed dramatically and abruptly thanks to a new threat, COVID-19.  The changes are substantial and rapid, with each day bringing about another set of variables and new information requiring rapid responses from leaders…

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VOMO: Free for COVID-19 Response

VOMO Makes its National Volunteering Platform Free for COVID-19 Response Any organization, in any community, worldwide can use it to mobilize volunteers! As of last week, VOMO (Volunteer Mobilization) made its volunteer management platform free and accessible to any organization mobilizing volunteers and any person who wants to serve during the COVID-19 crisis. In 2019,…

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A Calling and An Action Plan By Paul Swamidass

The Apostle Paul’s Calling and His Action Plan Every call deserves an action plan. In the epistle to the Romans (Chap 1: 1-17), Apostle Paul described his calling as well as how he acted on his calling. For those, who wonder what their own calling is, and how to translate their calling into action, Paul…

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What Succeeds a Heart Attack? By Larry Gadbaugh

Have you ever wondered what succeeds a heart attack? On November 8 I had a heart attack. It wasn’t in my strategic plan. What they call “the Widow-Maker,” since I had no family history, no health indicators, or symptoms of heart problems. But, the good news is, I’ve had good recovery, a good prognosis, and…

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Keys to Successful Technology Outsourcing By Joseph Vijayam

Do you have an outsourcing strategy? “What is your outsourcing strategy?” At a recent workshop held in Silicon Valley, the speaker shared that investors frequently ask startups this question. Just as often as they ask “What is your exit strategy?”  I believe these questions come out of the reality that the Internet facilitates low-cost communication…

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The Season of Brokenness By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Season of Being Broken Into A season of resurrection, triumph, and feasting. A season of remembrance. For Jesus the time is approaching when his body will be broken for the life of others. Around the communal table of the Passover meal, He beckons us to remember the life God created for us…”be fruitful and…

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