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Mastering Your First Meeting By Tom Yeakley

Master Your First Team Meeting for a Strong First Impression There is only one “first meeting” when forming your leadership team–you won’t be able to have a “do-over.”   Therefore, you will want to ensure that it is a success.  It will set the tone and pattern for future team meetings and if done well will…

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Give Thanks to The One Who Is Worthy By Tami Heim

Will you choose this day to give thanks and praise to God? Each morning I give thanks that God is God. I know he sees all, knows all, and is in control of all things. Regardless of what is happening around the world, I have faith and hope because I believe his promises are true.…

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The Challenge to Define Reality By R. Scott Rodin

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. ~ Max De Pree We may agree that defining reality is good advice, but it may be more difficult. How does a leader define what is real for their organization? The need to define reality assumes that a host of alternatives are counterfeit, deceptive, or…

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God Loves You By Karen Moore

Because God Knows and Loves You God knows everything. He regards you very highly and no matter what is happening in your life, He sees your heart and seeks to have a continual relationship with you. He holds you up with steadfast faithfulness. When life is not moving in the direction you hoped it might,…

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Wholeness and Belonging By Beth Guckenberger

Only Wholeness and Belonging Wholeness and belonging are part of God’s vision for us. Todd and I are always being asked how many cities we’d like to be doing ministry in ten years from now. I could strike a visionary pose and say,”I hope we’ll be in ten new cities, serving ten thousand orphans with…

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Lessons Learned By Alex McElroy

Lessons Learned: Purposeful Evaluation Oh the lessons I learned when my mom used to say, “a hard head makes a soft bottom.” For those unfamiliar with this idiom, it simply means that you can learn your lesson the easy way or the hard way. Some of us only learn the lesson once we’ve been knocked…

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The Power of God to Transform

Seize this opportunity to allow God to transform your leadership! Christian Leadership Alliance presents The Outcomes Conference 2020 – TRANSFORM. The Scripture that inspires this year’s theme can be found in Romans 12:1-3: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing…

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Brand Clarity with One Website Hack By Scott Wennermark

3 Organizations Finding Brand Clarity with One Website Hack With almost 2 billion websites in existence, how can an organization’s brand and website stand out in the crowded landscape? Many organizations have solved this problem by finding a digital home in a new neighborhood. Domain names that are clear, unique and strategic, are more easily…

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The Stuff and Soul Connection By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

There’s a Critical Connection Between Stuff and Soul Did you ever think there was a connection between the stuff in your life and your eternal soul? Have you ever wondered why the Bible has more verses on possessions than on any other topic? Have you ever wondered what it means to be faithful and obey…

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Becoming a Liberating Leader by Holly Moore

The Process of Becoming a Liberating Leader When I was in my early 30’s I wasn’t thinking about the difference I could make by being a liberating leader. I was a couple of years into a new role with a large publicly traded company and my responsibilities were limited to a specific location within the…

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