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Urgent Update on Tax Reform By National Christian Foundation

Faith, love, and charity in the face of tax reform. With tax reform at the top of the agenda on Capitol Hill this season, many givers and ministries within the National Christian Foundation (NCF) community are wondering what’s in store for charitable giving under the new proposals for overhauling the tax code. We want to…

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The Story that Connects by Jamie Janosz and Pete Distler

Telling the Old, Old Story in a Digital World Today, you have an important story to tell. Yet, when confronted with media clutter and useless digital meandering on mobile devices, you may ask, “How can our story, God’s story, connect with those who need to hear it most?” While some fundraisers and marketers are tasked…

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The Myth of Position By Ron Edmondson

Myth #1: Position will make me a leader. My first paid leadership position came to me by default. I was a full-time college student working in the men’s department of a large retail department store. I had been at the store under two years when my boss quit suddenly to pursue other interests. At 20…

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Steward Leaders in Times of Uncertainty By R. Scott Rodin

  Ten Reasons Why Steward Leaders are Prepared to Lead in Times of Uncertainty We are living in a time of growing aggression and hostility toward the Gospel and toward those who seek to faithfully follow Jesus and lead in His name. We believe God is raising up steward leaders for such a time as…

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Part II: Fundraising Staff Challenges By Derric Bakker

Overcoming Fundraising Staff Challenges This is Part II in the two part series on Fundraising Staff Challenges. If you missed Part I, it covers the current realities and challenges most nonprofits experience. Today, the focus is on solutions. Here you will find five ways nonprofit organizations can effectively address the challenges they have in their…

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Part I: Fundraising Staff Challenges By Derric Bakker

Key Challenges with Fundraising Staff Talented people are essential to assuring success in fundraising. Nothing tops talent. Your fundraising personnel are one of your organization’s most valuable assets. For too many nonprofits, however, critically important roles have become a revolving door. Epic Turnover A recent national survey of 250 nonprofit organizations revealed that a whopping…

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Skin in the Game By Ron Haas

Why should nonprofit board members have skin in the game? When Warren Buffet purchases a company, he requires his new managers to purchase stock because he believes executives with “skin in the game” make better decisions. Buffet is unknowingly expressing a biblical truth, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. –…

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What is a Steward Leader? By Howard Rich

What defines a steward leader? I am in a conversation about leadership and begin referring to steward leaders, and the person I am speaking with gets a quizzical look on their face. The scene replays countless times. At a convenient time in the conversation, this person will graciously correct me and point out I am really…

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You Are His Workmanship

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10 You are indeed God’s workmanship. The staff of Christian Leadership Alliance pray that as you celebrate this Labor Day, you reflect and give thanks for the uniqueness of your role…

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What's Impact Got to Do With It?

Impact has a lot to do with you. Faith-based nonprofits have visions and missions that guide the ‘why and how’ of their desired impact. If you serve in one, then perhaps you already recognize the significance of your leadership and your personal impact when it comes to achieving the ministry’s mission. United  Christian Leadership Alliance…

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