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The Way of the Major Donor By Bill High

David Green—Giving It All Away—The Way of the Major Donor By Bill High – What’s in the mind of the major donor? And specifically, what’s in the mind of David Green, Founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby? For many years now, I’ve spoken at CLA conferences. Typically, I’m asked to speak on the subject of…

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Stewards of God's Children By Howard Rich

 Stewards of God’s Children By Howard Rich ~ My daughter’s wedding was this weekend, and it provided me with an incredible lesson on stewardship and God’s children. She is twenty-two years old, and I have been praying for her husband since before she was a teenager. When I began praying for the young man she…

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Non-Traditional Funding By Mark L. Vincent

What is the challenge for the steward leader and non traditional funding? By Mark L Vincent ~ There is a challenge that comes with non-traditional funding. I am not a CFO, nor an accountant. I am a strategist. My life is spent developing organizations and the leaders who serve them. So, any thoughts about the…

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Leveraging Natural Assets By David Raley

One Highly Effective Habit of a Chief Development Officer  – Leveraging Natural Assets By Dave Raley ~ The best development leaders in the world recognize that every organization has what I call “natural assets.” Natural assets are things that are unique to that organization, and with a bit of creative thinking, they can be leveraged…

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Discern Direction By Dr. Gary Hoag

Discover the four critical practices that will enable you to discern direction for your ministry. By Dr. Gary Hoag ~  Recently, a non-profit ministry board chair and executive director asked me for advice on discerning direction for the organization they served. After further inquiry on my part, I learned that they were looking for clarity…

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Momentum: Fueled by Sponsors

Momentum: Fueled by Sponsors Sharing a Common Mission There is no questions that the Outcomes Conference is fueled by the commitment of its sponsors. CLA is grateful for all those who work diligently to make this annual leadership training event happen. The team at CLA is blessed by those who come along side with the…

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A Night of Worship and MORE

A Night of Worship and Praise This comes as an invitation for all Christian ministry leaders in the Dallas area and any other leaders who want to make their way to Dallas. Christian Leadership Alliance  (CLA) is holding its annual leadership training event, The Outcomes Conference on April 4 -6, 2017.  On Wednesday evening, leaders…

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Non-Profit Boards By R. Scott Rodin

Five Questions Every Christian Non-Profit Board Must Answer By R. Scott Rodin ~ A great deal of time and resources are being invested these days helping non-profit boards be more effective. There are a growing number of books, seminars, webinars, training programs, online resources and assessment tools available to those seeking to better serve the…

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Momentum Four: Prayer By Kay Arthur

Momentum: Prayer Releases Power By Kay Arthur~ Prayer is another important word in Acts. Prayer and fasting make crooked places straight. Reading Acts, you see the followers of Jesus devoting themselves to pray for wisdom, help and direction. They pray when gathering together, ministering, making decisions and sending out workers. They pray in physical crises.…

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God's View of a Successful Leader By R. Scott Rodin

What God View of a Successful Leader? By R. Scott Rodin ~ What does it mean to be a successful leader? How do you know you are succeeding? Based on what? And in whose opinion? All of us, in our own ways, need to answer these questions for ourselves. Yet I am concerned that our…

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