Posts Tagged ‘generosity’
When Will You Give Back? By Emily Nelson
What keeps you from the deciding to give back? The decision to give sure seems to require jumping through a number of hoops. Personally, I’ve never felt quite confident in my donation strategies, but there are a few things I try to keep an eye on as I give: reminding myself of the biblical reasoning,…
Read MoreFive Keys to Unlock Major Donor Generosity By Robert Yi
Unlock Transformational Generosity From Your Donor Community! Every year, Westfall Gold conducts an in-depth analysis of the impact of our weekend experiences and how they unlock major donor generosity. The application of what we’ve learned has resulted in increased average gifts at our events from $50,804 in 2014 to $162,437 in 2020. For the…
Read MoreBigger than Gifts and Buildings By Gary G. Hoag
What Could be Bigger than Gifts and Buildings? Did you know that the Holy Week teachings of Jesus, which are often described as “the Olivet Discourse,” were prompted by some disciples who were celebrating the magnificence of the temple buildings and their elaborate decor fueled by donations? Ironically, this took place immediately after Jesus downplayed…
Read MoreTimeless Generosity Meets Modern Giving Solutions by Ray Gary
The Power of Modern Giving Solutions to Unlock Generosity As Christians and leaders, we’re steeped in the belief that giving to those around us and to the world at large is essential. As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of…
Read MoreChristian Generosity and God’s Money By Clark Dickerson
Why Christians Are Not More Generous with God’s Money I met a couple whose children attended a Christian school that was in the middle of a multi-million dollar capital campaign to raise funds for a new campus. The purpose of our meeting was to discuss their financial involvement in the campaign. Upon entering their 20,000…
Read MoreGet Ready for a Revolution of Generosity By Rich Haynie
Join the Revolution! Each of us on the OC Stewardship Ministries Team has chosen to be involved in what we call, “a revolution in generosity”. The US citizen has contributed 2-3% annually to charity overour 200+ years of existence. To improve this, we believe that a movement must take place with our partners; that we…
Read MoreHow to Beat Pride in Giving By John Rinehart
5 Ways to Beat Pride in Giving In scripture we often see the contract between pride and humility. Someday in the hallways of heaven, I believe Nebuchadnezzar and Mary will meet. The man who built Babylon and its famous hanging gardens will run into the woman spoken of across millennia as “a virgin pledged to…
Read MoreRe-Focused Generosity By Patrick Johnson
Re-Focused Generosity: Mirroring Our Father’s Heart Do you remember what generosity feels like to give a child an unexpected gift? I love recalling when I’ve been sidelined by my love for my children…a meaningful “way-past-my-bedtime” phone call with one in college or a “dad’s-gone nuts-and-mom-may-kill-him” giant sticky ice cream cone before dinner are gifts that…
Read MoreLive Out Generosity By Cindy Finley
The Seven “Cs: to Help You Live Out Generosity The season of generosity is upon us! And many of you know the statistics: Nearly one-third of all giving occurs in December. 28% of nonprofits raise between 26 and 50% of their annual funds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. 12% of all giving happens…
Read MoreNext Generation Impact by Peter Low
To the Next Generation of Kingdom Builders Next generation, when you were young, you dreamed of the impact that you would have. The battles you would overcome, the triumphs to be celebrated, the inspiration you would provide. The legacy you would leave. You were fueled with the deep-down knowledge, that you (specifically you), had a…
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