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Purpose-Driven Impact By Brittané Dodwell

Inspiring Purpose-Driving Teams There is power when teams are inspired by achieving a purposed-driven impact. It takes intentionality and a focused team to unleash it. The fundraising world is fast-paced and ever-evolving as means and methods for donor communications and engagements change. So it’s easy to get lost in the laundry list of deliverables, strategies,…

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Maximizing Philanthropic Impact By Westfall Gold

Philanthropic Impact for Nonprofit Christian Leaders Philanthropy plays a crucial role in advancing that mission. As leaders within the nonprofit Christian sector, we are deeply committed to stewarding our ministries and lives with excellence, honoring God. The 2024 Major Donor Generosity Report, compiled by Westfall Gold, offers valuable insights into significant donor engagement and the…

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Make an Impact – The Ministry of Business By Jim Brangenberg

In the Ministry of Business, You Can Have a Kingdom Impact!  We all want to make a Kingdom impact; we all want to transform the world for Christ. And here’s the thing: God has placed you right where you are to do exactly that! Work4Him: Change the Way You Think About Your Faith at Work …

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Measuring COVID-19 Impact By Mark Mangin

Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on Fundraising Programs COVID-19 has affected all of us profoundly. It changed the way we serve the public, interact with coworkers, and even the way we fundraise. So, as we seek to learn from the data, how do we measure the impact of COVID-19 on our fundraising programs? Here is…

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Invest in Every Christian Leader Thriving

A Call to Invest in the Multiplication of Thriving Leaders In October 2019,  the Christian Leadership Alliance board of directors changed the Alliance’s mission statement to, “Every Christian Leader Thriving.” This change happened because they envision a world in which all Christian leaders would  steward their lives, resources and callings with Christ-honoring excellence, influence and…

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Lionel Mayell: Great Doors with Little Hinges By Ney Bailey

Did you know that great doors swing on little hinges? I’ve heard it said, “Great doors swing on little hinges’ and at 5’2″, Lionel Mayell was a “little hinge.” Lionel had a huge impact on Christianity in the last century (and into the present day)—perhaps more than anyone else. Lionel Mayell I choke up when…

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The Alliance Impact

The Leaders of The Alliance Are Impacting the World for Christ! For more than 40 years, Christ-centered leaders, like you, have united to create an ecosystem where nonprofit ministry leaders grow in knowledge, skill and IMPACT. Some of you reading this blog today are already part of the ecosystem that is Christian Leadership Alliance. The…

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What's Impact Got to Do With It?

Impact has a lot to do with you. Faith-based nonprofits have visions and missions that guide the ‘why and how’ of their desired impact. If you serve in one, then perhaps you already recognize the significance of your leadership and your personal impact when it comes to achieving the ministry’s mission. United  Christian Leadership Alliance…

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Expand Your Kingdom Impact

How will you expand your Kingdom IMPACT? You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same…

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Preserving Culture By Jeff Jernigan

Preserving Culture in Faith-Based Organizations By Jeff Jernigan ~ A culture is only as good as its leadership. Programs, mission integration, and other methods of establishing and growing a distinct culture are important, but only if the desired traits for the organization are being demonstrated on a day-to-day basis by people in leadership roles. A…

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