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Succession Planning: The Departing Leader by Dr. David L. McKenna

By Dr. David L. McKenna ~ The departing leader is not a bit player in the drama of succession planning for a Christian organization. Quite to the contrary, unless he or she is a leader who assures the integrity of the office by being true to the trust and finishing the task, the process of…

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Mentoring for Life by Cindy Hopkins

By Cindy Hopkins “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” –Prov. 11:25 When Susan was hired as the executive director of her pregnancy center in 2006, she knew the calling was strong, and it was confirmed by the confidence that the board seemed to have in her abilities to lead an…

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An Interview with Christine Caine

Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA ) president and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Christine Caine, director of Equip and Empower Ministries. A member of the leadership team for Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia, Christine and her husband Nick are also the founders of The A21 Campaign, an anti-human trafficking organization with the ambition of abolishing slavery…

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Do Your Something! by Michael Oh and Justin Schell

By Michael Oh and Justin Schell In 1974, the existence and need for global mission was very much in question. Liberal theologians began to not only reject Christ as the only source of salvation, they rejected the very need of a Savior. In the process, consequently, the gospel mission of the church was abandoned. Even…

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The True Freedom of a Steward Leader by R. Scott Rodin Ph.D.

By R. Scott Rodin Ph.D. A bookmark of mine carries a thought that has stayed with me throughout my years in leadership. It reads: It doesn’t matter if the world knows, or sees or understands, the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands. Leaders are exposed to opportunities to generate applause. …

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Embrace Your Leadership Season

  Have you ever thought of your leadership position as a season you’ve been called to for this exact time and place? For some, you are at the beginning of your leadership journey and experiencing one of your first assignments. You are filled with anticipation and fully open to however God plans to lead. You…

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The Power of Perspective by Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado

By Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado It was a mild September afternoon, 1988, in Seoul, South Korea. I stood on the field of the spacious Olympic stadium, hands on my hips, and surveyed the obstacle in front of me. The high jump crossbar had been set at nearly seven feet. My first attempt had failed. I had…

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21 Reasons to Attend the 2015 Intensive Training Institute

Tuesday, April 14, the first day of The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, leaders will begin early with devotions led by Jonathan Evans, Chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys. Next up is the first general session of the conference. Keynote speaker, David Kinnaman, the president and strategic leader of The Barna Group, will challenge leaders with…

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Professional Development for the Individual by Bill Blacquiere

By Bill Blacquiere Learn. Change. Grow. These are the three pillars of a commitment to ongoing, healthy corporate development. As leaders, however, it is not enough for us to focus on these three development aspects solely at the corporate level. It is crucial as well to commit to individual development within our organizations—to go beyond…

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The Humble Leader's Legacy by Jonathan Pitts

By Jonathan Pitts Everything I’ve learned about leadership I’ve learned from people. Don’t get me wrong. I love reading books, listening to podcasts and going to seminars, but God has hard-wired me to respond to people. I guess it began with my father. Years before I was born, my father latched onto the good news…

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