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The Steward Declaration By R. Scott Rodin

Tomorrow is the Launch of The Steward Declaration Tomorrow is the official launch of The Steward Declaration, and it comes to you with an invitation for you to take a stand. A Fiery Furnace Daniel’s chapter 3 has the familiar story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and the fiery furnace. When this is often preached or…

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4 Courageous Ways to Lead By Lee Ellis

4 Courageous Ways to Lead with Honor in 2022 Consistently leading with honor can be challenging in good times but, in difficult times it requires a courageous heart.   We’ve lived with COVID almost two years now, and it’s ironic that the “Corona Virus” brings to mind the wisdom of an old expression about a phrase…

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Develop Your Personal Leadership Skills!

It’s time to invest and develop your personal leadership skills! We have some exciting news to share with you and it will impact the development of your personal leadership! Christian Leadership Alliance is introducing a ninth core discipline that centers on Personal Leadership. This  training will be developed and added to the scope of training the…

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The Ten Commandments for Leadership By Jon Lewis

The Ten Commandments of Effective Ministry Leadership While attending a missions conference recently, the pastor of a church that has supported us for the past four decades shared an outstanding talk on principles of effective leadership. I can’t think of any better list of ways to assure a sustained healthy leadership role than by faithfully…

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A Global Event to Equip and Unite Leaders – Everywhere

The Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience 2021 We praise God for the uncharted territories he called Christian Leadership Alliance to in 2020. We learned how the most challenging times are when the seemingly impossible becomes possible! The Miracle of Possible In mid-March 2020 Covid-19 forced us to change the way in which we conducted our…

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The Movement of God in Leadership By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Reflection and Movement of God in Leadership A practice of regular reflection is essential for a good, healthy movement of leadership. Reflection can be an invitation to allow God to uncover our hidden demands. It is my intentional focus on the movement of God in my life. My practice of reflection helps me know…

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Thriving In Each Season of Life By Dr. Jerry White

Practical Steps for Thriving in Life and Leadership Throughout my life I have seen myself as one who simply kept working hard at whatever God put before me. Did I thrive? Did The Navigators thrive under my leadership? Yes. But at the time, it was not always apparent. There were times of struggle and challenge.…

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Vicarious Suffering By Alec Hill

Lessons in Vicarious Suffering ”I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.” Writing from prison, the apostle Paul inked this statement and it has puzzled theologians for centuries.…

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Leadership as Worship By Larry Gadbaugh

What difference would it make if we viewed our calling in leadership as worship? Following Jesus in our stewardship as leaders includes helping those we lead and live as an act of worship. Jesus understood that his Father’s calling for him was to lead others to become true worshipers of God [Jn 4:23]. God calls…

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Discover What’s Key to Thriving By Christine Talbot

  Do you know what will be key to thriving in what’s coming next? Thriving in what is ahead of me is on my mind.  I’m sitting at my kitchen table working from home in month sixteen of our organization’s pandemic remote work plan. Our organization has decided to return to offices on a hybrid…

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