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Legacy By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

The Legacy of a Steward Leader What does Scripture say about the legacy of a steward leader? “How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands.  Their children will be successful everywhere.  An entire generation of godly people will be blessed.  They, themselves, will be wealthy, and their good deeds…

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The Truth Inside the Johari Window By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

Can your successor design a Johari window? Family and colleagues know me to be a Johari window guy. When groups are stuck, quite often there are a couple of dynamics at cross-purposes. The Johari window is an easy tool to map out those dynamics and transform the conversation with deeper insight and a breakthrough. The…

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Ensure a God-Honoring Legacy By David Sanford

Core Ways to Ensure a God-Honoring Legacy It’s no secret that finishing this life with a God-honoring legacy isn’t automatic and certainly isn’t easy. So, in my twenties and thirties, and again in my forties, I asked a number of older Christians to show me how it’s done. Thankfully, they agreed! A few months before…

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Discover How Vision Births Legacy By Alex McElroy

How do you pursue a vision that leaves a legacy? Do you long to see your vision be completed? If so, you must long for someone to carry on your legacy. True leaders see their vision as more important than themselves. Therefore, true leaders long to see their vision come to fulfillment even if they…

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Legacy or The Long Play? By Rob McKenna

Which is it for You, Legacy or the Long Play? If I told you that much of your impact on others may not be realized for five, ten, or even twenty years, what would you think? I just finished watching a movie about Robert the Bruce, King of Scots. His story has some personal meaning…

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Leadership and Legacy By Alex McElroy

  Hamilton Provides A Lesson On Leadership And Legacy I recently had the opportunity to watch the brilliant theater production, “Hamilton”, and it  spoke profoundly of leadership and legacy. In awe of brilliant singing, rapping, acting and choreography, it would be easy to miss the brilliant nuggets of information that are peppered throughout the musical.…

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A Leader's Legacy By Jon Hirst

A Legacy of Stewarding Leaders In our hyperactive, personality-based leadership environment, being in the front of the room with the mic in hand is the goal. Leaders want a place at the table so that their influence can grow as they share what they know. But one of the most significant leaders in my life…

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Succession Planning: The Departing Leader by Dr. David L. McKenna

By Dr. David L. McKenna ~ The departing leader is not a bit player in the drama of succession planning for a Christian organization. Quite to the contrary, unless he or she is a leader who assures the integrity of the office by being true to the trust and finishing the task, the process of…

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The Legacy of Leaders to Leaders by Bill Blacquiere

By Bill Blacquiere   As president and CEO of a leading child welfare and social services agency, I highly value the legacy of each of the three leaders who served in this capacity before me and equally enjoy my relationships with them. The way they employed strategy, vision, and accountability has served as inspiration and…

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