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Summer Term at the CLA Center for Online Learning Goes Where You Go!

Summer Term Starts at Outcomes Academy Online! Christian Leadership Alliance is committed to equipping leaders. The Outcomes Academy Online offers two professionally facilitated, 10-week cohorts this summer. If you want to develop mission-critical competencies, expand leadership capacity, and align practices with biblically influenced principles, join the Outcomes Academy Online. If you are not a current…

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Intentional Relationships By Dr. Al Hearne II

The Steward Leader Builds Intentional Relationships What happens when the steward leader’s life becomes so challenging that they cannot fulfill their responsibilities or build relationships? “We own nothing. God owns everything; we are simply managers.” Boa (2005) The Bible says, ‘You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced…

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Entrusted: Stewarding Relationships Well By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Protect, Care, and Cultivate What Has Been Entrusted to You The theme for the Christian Leadership Alliance Outcomes Conference, Entrusted, describes a core concept for every leader who wants to be a steward leader. Stewards are the trusted advisors of the One they serve, and they are entrusted to protect, care for, and cultivate all…

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Change the Way You Communicate By Palmer Holt

  Get ready to change the way you communicate post COVID-19! It’s not always good to communicate the word “positive” and COVID-19 in the same sentence. But as a veteran professional communicator who’s worked with Christian ministries and nonprofits for decades, I’m absolutely positive COVID-19 has created the perfect storm for faith-based nonprofits, businesses, ministries…

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Relationships and Covenant By Mark L. Vincent

A Reflection on the Importance of Relationships and Covenant The family, colleague, and client relationships in which I am immersed reflect a whole kaleidoscope of backgrounds, personalities, convictions, and skills. I live in holy covenant with these people I love, pledged to support, encourage, think, and share in the ups and downs.  Sometimes this is…

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Unexpected Encounters By Jon Lewis

Stewarding Unexpected Encounters One of the key lessons I’ve been teaching in my Steward Leader seminars for African audiences is the importance of stewarding encounters and relationships with other people. I usually start out by highlighting what typically goes wrong in relating to others.  We either consider them as: means to our own ends, or…

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Elusive Major Donors By Michael J. Brown

Cultivation is a Key to Unlocking Elusive Major Gifts We are blessed to live in a nation with a long history of a strong charitable culture.  Last year alone, $427Bn was given in U.S. philanthropy1. Interestingly, there have been significant changes in the philanthropic landscape that nonprofits need to be aware of.  For the first…

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Cultivating Relationships By Howard Rich

Leadership is About Relationships As a leader, we influence best through relationships, not through position.  Without them, leaders cannot effectively and consistently address the issues of leadership development, ethics, fiscal responsibility, stakeholder relations, and stewardship practices.  Leaders deal with people; therefore, the best way to deal with issues is to learn to work well with…

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Listening to the Stakeholders By Dr. Kent R. Wilson

How well are you listening to the stakeholders? By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ While for-profit organizations have owners or stockholders that the leaders of the business are accountable to, nonprofit organizations have no human owners, just stakeholders. And if you are a part of a Christian nonprofit, you ultimately are accountable to God as…

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How To Coach Next Gen by Roy and Margaret Fitzwater

By Roy and Margaret Fitzwater As millennials move into leadership roles, turnover rates may be even higher and more costly so it is  important to understand how to coach next gen leaders. Cheryl Conner writes in Forbes that the cost of unproductive time and a sense of entitlement are particular challenges among millennials, who reportedly…

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