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Collaboration in Christian Ministry By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Effective Collaboration Takes Us Farther Having spent forty years in full-time Christian ministry, I have learned the critical importance of collaboration in advancing the work of the Kingdom of God. One key lesson is that catalyzing movements like biblical generosity requires the collective effort of an entire network rather than being the sole responsibility of…

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Living and Leading in an Age of Anxiety By R. Scott Rodin

Learn to Resist the Anxiety the World Provides Mark Sayer’s new book, A Non-Anxious Presence, How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders, suggests that anxiety is the dominant theme in our world and our leadership. This anxiety is generated by what he calls the ‘gray zone’ in which…

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Meditate on These Things By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

My Case for Finding Time to Meditate As a steward, my choice to pause and meditate allows me to continually calibrate my heart and mind to the Master’s voice. The spiritual practices of prayer, contemplation, and reflection strengthen the bond of trust between me and God, my owner. Because when I pause and meditate on…

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Be Willing to Listen By Ed McDowell

Will you listen to what He has to say? “But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you.“ Luke 6:27-28 NLT From beginning to end, Luke chapter 6 is filled with Jesus showing…

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Faithful in All Things By R. Scott Rodin

Becoming Faithful Steward Leaders We are called first to be faithful stewards in every area of our lives. As we walk that journey and are called to leadership positions, our steward’s worldview will carry over and impact every aspect of our leadership role. In this blog, I want to focus on how we, as steward…

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Ought a Steward Leader Use ChatGPT? By Dr. Al Hearne

Starting the Conversation About Using ChatGPT In my lifetime, I have seen three primary responses to adopting new technology like ChatGPT. Some people love and immediately use it, some are apprehensive and slowly try it, and some reject it. Yet over time, the new technology becomes commonly used by the masses. Rarely have I ever…

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Entrusted: Stewarding Relationships Well By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Protect, Care, and Cultivate What Has Been Entrusted to You The theme for the Christian Leadership Alliance Outcomes Conference, Entrusted, describes a core concept for every leader who wants to be a steward leader. Stewards are the trusted advisors of the One they serve, and they are entrusted to protect, care for, and cultivate all…

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The Money Quandary By Mary Beth Leavell

Stewardship and Issues of Money Stewardship is typically equated with money. Even in the church world, stewardship is discussed in terms of giving. After all, churches have business operations with budgets, income, expenses, payroll, and financial audits. In addition, the Bible has hundreds of verses that refer directly to money and how God’s people should…

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Discover If You Are a Steward Leader By R. Scott Rodin

Now There is a Way to Know And Grow as a Steward Leader Christian Leadership Alliance focuses every Wednesday on thoughtful blog posts on the life and work of the steward leader. My colleagues and I have been filling this space with our best thoughts and ideas for a good number of years now. We…

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Flourishing in Faith and Work By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Learn to Flourish in Faith and Work We recently hosted a webinar called “Flourishing in Faith and Work” wherein the participants came from various backgrounds and understanding of the theology of work. One of the ladies in my breakout group says that she works for economic reasons. She is a young single mom who works…

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