Posts Tagged ‘The Generosity Monk’
Avoiding College Debt By Gary Hoag
Stewardship and Avoiding College Debt In Managing God’s Money, Randy Alcorn reports startling statistics (165). “For many people, debt has become not the exception but the rule. The average American family devotes ¼ of its spendable income to outstanding debts. Since 1945, consumer debt in the United States has multiplied 31 times. The IRS calculates…
Read MoreCharitable Giving By Dr. Gary Hoag
Charitable Giving at Year-End Since the signing of the War Revenue Act of 1917 – exactly 100 years ago – Americans have used the provision in the income tax code known as the charitable gift deduction to maximize their contributions as a portion of income. This provision leads many people, especially those in higher tax…
Read MoreFaith and Work By Dr. Gary Hoag
What is God’s design for the intersection of faith and work? The intersection of faith and work is a hot topic. Rightly so! Work takes up the largest sum of the waking hours of every steward. To borrow the language of Christian philosopher, Francis Schaeffer, we must ask and answer the question: “How should we…
Read MoreDebts to Dump By Dr. Gary Hoag
The Debts to Dump and One to Keep On a recent trip to Mongolia I gained a new insights about debts. I had the privilege of spending a few nights out on the land in a “ger,” which may be more commonly recognized by its Russian equivalent, the “yurt.” It’s basically a large round…
Read MoreBoard Retreats By Dr. Gary Hoag
Discover why you should consider doing less on board retreats! Earlier this year, I wrote a post on the CLA blog entitled “Discerning Direction” in which I suggested some intentional activities for ministry administrators and trustees to do on staff and/or governance retreats. Today’s post follows the trajectory of that submission and suggests two things…
Read MoreFour Insights By Dr. Gary Hoag
Here are Four Insights for God’s Workers By Dr. Gary Hoag ~ I have four insights for God’s workers as I turn fifty this year. I’ve been in pastoral or parachurch ministry for more than half my life. As I reflect on this milestone, a passage from the Old Testament (OT) Law has been formative…
Read MoreLetters to Seven Churches by Dr. Gary Hoag
Letters to Seven Churches about Money By Dr. Gary Hoag ~ In Revelation 2-3 we find “the letters to the seven churches.” Some call them “love letters” as they come from Christ to His bride, the church, in the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. This article highlights seven more New…
Read MoreUnnamed Characters By Gary Hoag
Here is what we learn from three unnamed New Testament characters. By Gary Hoag ~ Lately, in my daily walk with Jesus I am learning a lot from unnamed NT characters. Stewards that pastor churches and administrate ministries often look at named saints in the Scriptures for inspiration and instruction. In this post, I highlight my top…
Read MoreProtect Your Mind and Ministry By Dr. Gary G. Hoag
Protect Your Mind and Ministry from the Love of Money By Dr. Gary G. Hoag ~ Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 “The love of money” must not surface…
Read More6 Applications from Asia for All Steward Leaders by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.
By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. ~ I just returned from teaching a class with seventeen students at Torch Trinity Graduate University in Seoul, South Korea, entitled Biblical Stewardship and Christian Generosity. The experience was a highlight of my academic career because I learned so much from these globally-minded and mission-focused steward leaders. Here’s a sampling…
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