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A Night of Worship and MORE

A Night of Worship and Praise This comes as an invitation for all Christian ministry leaders in the Dallas area and any other leaders who want to make their way to Dallas. Christian Leadership Alliance  (CLA) is holding its annual leadership training event, The Outcomes Conference on April 4 -6, 2017.  On Wednesday evening, leaders…

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Momentum Four: Prayer By Kay Arthur

Momentum: Prayer Releases Power By Kay Arthur~ Prayer is another important word in Acts. Prayer and fasting make crooked places straight. Reading Acts, you see the followers of Jesus devoting themselves to pray for wisdom, help and direction. They pray when gathering together, ministering, making decisions and sending out workers. They pray in physical crises.…

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Momentum Three: The Spirit By Kay Arthur

Momentum: The Spirit of God at Work By Kay Arthur ~ Jesus’ instruction in Acts 1:4–8 included the admonition to “wait for what the Father had promised” and “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses….” When on the day of Pentecost, Peter preached of…

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Stewards Under Authority By Howard Rich

LEARNING FROM ANOTHER STEWARD UNDER AUTHORITY By Howard Rich ~ Those of us in leadership positions are in and under authority, and can learn a thing or two from another man under authority in Scripture. Matthew 8:5-13 teaches a great lesson on authority, where it comes from, and how to use it. A centurion came…

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Momentum Two: God's Word By Kay Arthur

  Momentum: God’s Word Creates It By Kay Arthur – Acts 1:3 tells us Jesus spent 40 days after his death and resurrection with the apostles “speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.” Men described in Acts 4:13 as “uneducated and untrained men,” recognized as “having been with Jesus.” Yet on the day…

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God-First Momentum By Dr. John C. Reynolds

God-First Momentum: Five principles from the Book of Acts By Dr. John C. Reynolds ~ In the world of science, momentum is generally described as the “force or speed of movement, or the impetus gained by a moving object.” Scholars calculate momentum as the product of mass and velocity or simply the impact of size…

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Multi-generational Teams By Dr. Teresa Moon

Multi-generational Teams: Shifting from Frustration to Momentum Dr. Teresa Moon ~ “Nobody wants that!” These words expressed the sentiment of just about every organizational leader at the end of our annual international convention. Senior leaders left frustrated and exhausted. Younger workers felt devalued and overlooked. I was annoyed… angry…hurt… numb. Did I cause this? How…

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Cross-ing Ourselves By Mark L. Vincent

What does cross-ing ourselves reveal about what we believe? By Mark L. Vincent ~ For those of us who observe the church year, Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. Many of us will receive an imposition of ashes on our foreheads in the sign of the cross, marking our humility and penitence before God.…

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Focus – An Interview with Dr. Ed Stetzer

Focus on Fueling the Gospel and Organizational Momentum It takes focus to fuel the gospel and organizational momentum. When we talk about evangelism we tend to use words like “share” and “spread” and even “explosion.” It’s no coincidence that all of these words suggest momentum. The gospel always moves with a sense of excitement, as…

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The Esther Ultimatum By R. Scott Rodin

The Esther Ultimatum: Finding our place in our present cultural warfare By R. Scott Rodin ~ Words of great wisdom seem to live a circular existence. When first uttered, they amaze and inspire. However, after continued use and overuse, they become trite and are set aside. After their time in exile from popularity most will…

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