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Leading a March of Fools by R. Scott Rodin, Ph.D.

By R. Scott Rodin, Ph.D. The mood in the meeting tent was thick with anger, disbelief and frustration. Ten trained leaders were ready for action. Ten warriors were prepared for battle. Forty years of frustration was ready to be appeased and four decades of struggle and suffering was about to be assuaged. And now, this.…

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Stewards of Change by Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent Change is normal. Some of it is not welcome. Some of it is. The difference is usually what we selfishly perceive the benefit to be. We are not so altruistic that we welcome change benefiting others when it calls for sacrifice from us. When we resist change, we do well to…

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Leaders for this Time and Place

Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.      Proverbs 19:20 At The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, Christian leaders will explore the times we are in and the stewardship responsibilities that come with them. The 2015 keynote presenters are prayerfully studying God’s Word and waiting on him for the…

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Why Strategic Alliances Matter by Douglas Napier

By Douglas Napier Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. ?A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.  ~ Ecclesiastes. 4:12. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco spans nearly two miles across the strait separating San Francisco and Marin counties. This engineering marvel is suspended by two cables, each measuring 36…

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Representatives of the Owner by Kent R. Wilson, Ph.D.

By Kent R. Wilson, Ph.D. Most definitions of stewardship include in one way or another the concept “to manage resources that belong to another.” But what most definitions miss is a critical aspect of a steward’s role: that stewards manage those resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the owner. Stewards are…

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Meet These Servant Leaders

We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.  We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. ~  1 Thessalonians 1:2,3 Every day Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for…

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Come and Learn: How to Make Your Message Known

Leaders have an extraordinary opportunity to be intentional about subduing the high velocity changes in media consumption. We know that media can be a source that amplifies God’s purpose through your ministry, or it can bring confusion and actually derail it. It’s a stewardship choice, and the kingdom outcomes and consequences of that choice have…

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The Power of Perspective by Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado

By Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado It was a mild September afternoon, 1988, in Seoul, South Korea. I stood on the field of the spacious Olympic stadium, hands on my hips, and surveyed the obstacle in front of me. The high jump crossbar had been set at nearly seven feet. My first attempt had failed. I had…

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13 Ways to LIFT Your Leadership

Tension is growing around the world. More than ever God is placing Christian leaders in situations that require bold faith and the strength to stand unshaken in the midst of fierce cultural winds. Now is the time for all leaders to be steadfast in prayer, study of the Word, and deliberately invest in their leadership.…

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More Ways to Mobilize the Millennials by David Kinnaman

By David Kinnaman Born between 1984 and 2002, Millennials, while part of our broader North American culture, also share within their generational cohort a unique set of values, assumptions and allegiances that are different from and, in many ways, profoundly disruptive to existing worldviews. This has had — and will continue to have — significant…

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