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Five Stewardship Myths by Kent Wilson Ph.D.

  By Kent Wilson Ph.D ~ The concept of stewardship as understood by the Christian church has not always been consistent or smooth from its initial introduction by the biblical writers. In fact, during some periods of church history, our own enthusiasm for stewardship has at times almost destroyed it or left it with only…

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Succession Planning: The Incoming Successor

By Dr. David L. McKenna ~ A succession plan is not complete without considering the role of the incoming successor. As the governing board brings continuity to the process and the departing leader leaves the personal example of integrity in the transition, the incoming leader must pick up these threads of succession and pull them…

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Lessons for Leaders: The Golden Rule by Wayne Pederson

By Wayne Pederson ~ We’ve all heard The Golden Rule, probably so many times that it loses its meaning. Basically, it’s “treat other people the way you want them to treat you.” I just realized how important that truth is for leaders. Remember how the workplace felt before you were the boss. Remember how you…

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6 Applications from Asia for All Steward Leaders by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.

By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. ~ I just returned from teaching a class with seventeen students at Torch Trinity Graduate University in Seoul, South Korea, entitled Biblical Stewardship and Christian Generosity. The experience was a highlight of my academic career because I learned so much from these globally-minded and mission-focused steward leaders. Here’s a sampling…

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Succession Planning: The Departing Leader by Dr. David L. McKenna

By Dr. David L. McKenna ~ The departing leader is not a bit player in the drama of succession planning for a Christian organization. Quite to the contrary, unless he or she is a leader who assures the integrity of the office by being true to the trust and finishing the task, the process of…

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Lessons for Leaders: Give It Away by Wayne Pederson

By Wayne Pederson I recently sold our home of 32 years. The garage and storage room was full of stuff we had set aside because we might “need it someday”. 30 years later, those indispensable filled the 8 yard dumpster I ordered. Interesting how the things we hang on to as indispensable become of little…

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The Scope of a Steward Leader by Sara Nagelvoort Marlin

By Sara Nagelvoort Marlin Last year I joined a Christian ministry for the first time in my career, having spent more than twenty years in corporate marketing environments. Among my early observations was what seemed to be the “de rigueur” concept in Christian ministry:  steward leadership. Everyone was talking about it. Makes sense, I thought,…

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Lessons for Leaders: The Gift of Giving by Wayne Pederson

By Wayne Pederson I grew up poor and was brought up to be very frugal. I worked my way through university and seminary, skimping in food and clothes. Those habits became very ingrained in my life. Now that I’m a bit more financially secure, I’m trying to unlearn those habits and learning to be more…

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Voices from Manila: The Power of Steward Leaders by R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin I have just returned from teaching twenty-five students at Asian Theological Seminary in Manila on the Theology and Practice of the Steward Leader. I came away amazed and humbled by how powerfully the Holy Spirit worked in them during our days together. Listen to their voices and see if in them…

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