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The Artistry of a Steward Leader By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

What does artistry have do to with steward leadership? As leaders, there is artistry we bring to stewarding others well. Stewarding requires precision, imagination, and dedication. Two-dimensional models or rigid formulas do not capture the flexibility and creativity needed by a good steward leader. We must be responsive to others and the process. We risk…

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Curiosity As A Superpower By Zándra Bishop

Is curiosity your superpower? IThe expression “Curiosity killed the cat,” is contrary to the ideology of human behavior and survival. I have been inquisitive and my entire life. I have always had the desire to know how things operate. Some encouraged me while others were discouraging. However, when building meaningful relationships, especially within organizations, people…

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A Flourishing Culture By Al Lopus

Finding the Way to a Thriving and Flourishing Culture “Hope International had a purpose-driven and highly engaged culture,” says Peter Greer, CEO. “But I sensed that it was diluting rather than reproducing as we entered a season of accelerated growth. We recognized the importance of culture, but we didn’t know how to accurately gauge it—or…

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Dying To Make A Difference By Larry Gadbaugh

Are you dying to make a difference as a leader? Does Jesus make a difference in how I lead? How would your staff describe your leadership? If we pay attention, we can find out during significant transitions in the organization. The culture around us is exploding with hope or outrage during transitions social media companies,…

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Discernment or Faultfinding By Dr. Bob Snyder

What’s the difference between discernment and faultfinding? Discernment is the judgment that God encourages as I seek His guidance, whereas faultfinding often finds its roots in my feelings and opinions. This tendency to find fault often arises out of my sense of inadequacy – my need to be right and superior to someone else. When…

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New Accounting Standard for Leases by Tammara Williamson

Key Steps in Implementing the New Accounting Standard for Leases There is a new accounting standard for leases, ASC 842. Nonprofit organizations should be planning their implementation strategy for an important upcoming change. The standard updates the definition of a lease and now requires lessees to recognize substantially all leases, both financing and operating, on…

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Responsive Mindsets for Growing Generosity By Noah Barnett

8 Responsive Mindsets for Growing Generosity The world you fund-raise in has changed and so should your responsive mindsets. Your supporters are hyper-connected and receive personalized, data-informed experiences from every brand they interact with. They expect the same kind of personal connections to the causes they care about.  What hasn’t changed? Generosity.  The desire to…

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Today’s Banking Environment and You By Nicki Harms

How Today’s Banking Environment Impacts Your Organization Like many things in the world, banking is rapidly changing. Where you bank matters and understanding environmental changes – and how we got here – can be a determining factor in your ministry’s reach and ability to operate. A Wonderful Life One of the most familiar and well-loved…

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I Belong By Ed McDowell

I Belong and So Do You Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Psalms 73:23-‬24 NLT The desire to belong is part of every person. We are designed to belong to God, living in a relationship with the creator…

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I Belong! An Alliance for Leaders Like You By W. Scott Brown

The Outcomes Conference 2022 “I Belong!” The Outcomes Conference 2022, April 26-28, in Louisville, Kentucky was themed “I Belong!” This dynamic event brought together like-minded leaders, who are on a journey of becoming lifelong friends through a shared passion for God’s kingdom work in our world today. I love the way Christian Leadership Alliance president…

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