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A Prayer of Trust and Commitment By Ed McDowell

A Prayer and Commitment to Trust God In God, we trust. Today Christian Leadership Alliance launches the Outcomes Conference Digital Experience 2020. We open this event in prayer and voice our full and complete trust in God.  We are grateful for the beautiful prayer submitted by Ed McDowell. It expresses well the heart and desire…

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3 Questions to Guide Your New Ministry Plans by Terry A. Smith

Are You Adapting Plans to Guide You in the Current Climate? What’s guiding your current plans? For countless churches and ministries, COVID-19 has created massive disruption. Unable to gather physically, we’ve moved to online connections. Churches who didn’t have a Facebook page strategy are now scrambling to broadcast Sunday worship services live; in-person Bible studies…

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The Focused Leader in Crisis By Ed McDowell

  What should you be focused on during a crisis? Focus is essential in times of crisis. I met with an executive coach and asked one question, “What should I, as a ministry CEO, be focused on in the middle of this crisis?”  Based on our conversation here are a few points of focus for…

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A Digital Experience in Such A Time as This

The Outcomes Conference Digital Experience is almost HERE!  The Outcomes Conference Digital Experience 2020  is a learning experience for such a time as this.  We know that as leaders in this unprecedented time, you are no longer managing change, but you are in the midst of leading organizational transformation. This event was designed to help you…

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A Little Happiness By Matt Fore

A  Little Happiness Goes a Long Way Yes, a little happiness does go a long way. As I’ve always said, “The best defense is a strong offense.” Or maybe that was said by famous nineteenth century military theorist, Carl Von Clausewitz. It was definitely one of us. This principle holds true in many areas of…

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Leading a New Normal or Managing Collapse? by Dr. Nathan Baxter

Are You Leading to a New Normal or Managing Nonprofit Collapse? One of the CEOs I coach leads an organization with almost five hundred employees. In a video call with him this week, he began by explaining how he spent two days calculating when the organization would ran out of cash. After ten minutes of…

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Chaos and Demands By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Stronghold of Chaos and Demands Chaos and havoc can give birth to unhealthy demands and strategies which rupture relationships. These commitments impair us. Sometimes the strategies are so ingrained and so powerful that we are unaware of their influence. We fail to see the harm and devastation they cause us and others. It is…

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Fundraising in Crisis – Part II By Ron Frey

COVID-19: Fundraising in Crisis – Part II When referencing the COVID-19 crisis, someone recently asked: “Is this a blizzard, the onset of a long hard winter, or the beginning of an Ice Age?” ​ In troubled economic times, many donors will evaluate their giving and make adjustments based on the need and how well their…

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Fundraising in the COVID-19 Crisis – Part I By Ron Frey

COVID-19: Fundraising in Crisis – Part I Someone recently asked: “Is this a blizzard, the onset of a long hard winter, or the beginning of an Ice Age?” ​ How do you describe these times? Life disrupted? Yes, that’s an apt description, but it’s a lot more than that. The foundation of our economy shaken?…

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