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Global Digital Experience 2023

Countdown to the Global Digital Experience 2023

Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience is Coming Soon! In less than 30 days, Christian Leadership Alliance will launch the Fourth Annual Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience. The event will be available to all attendees from September 1 – October 31, 2023—the Alliance theme for 2023, ENTRUSTED, continues with this Fall event. Responding to what God made possible…

Unleashing power when you meditate

Meditate on These Things By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

My Case for Finding Time to Meditate As a steward, my choice to pause and meditate allows me to continually calibrate my heart and mind to the Master’s voice. The spiritual practices of prayer, contemplation, and reflection strengthen the bond of trust between me and God, my owner. Because when I pause and meditate on…

Independence Day

Gratitude for Freedom Now and Forever

The Gift of Freedom Now and Forever On this particular holiday, we celebrate freedom now and forever. We give thanks for the aim of independence that marked the birth and evolution of our country.  Vision and Perserverance We consider the words of past leaders and the vision they embraced. Their voices remind us of what…

lost in the maze

Lost in a Maze of Self-Reliance By R. Scott Rodin

Lost and The Need for the Way Out Sometimes, leaders lose their way. Amidst personnel challenges, cultural pressures, financial uncertainties, and self-doubt, we can muddle along, unsure of where we are going. Unexpected challenges, unsuccessful strategies, criticism of our best efforts, and rapid change can bring us uncertainty, lack of direction, and even despair. Do…

Summer Reads 2023

Summer Books For a Leader Like You!

Summer Books To Inspire Your Leadership Journey Summer books are a great way to sharpen and expand your thinking. W. Scott Brown, Vice President of Learning Experience and Resources for Christian Leadership Alliance, has curated s list of books perfect for summer reading! He has also added helpful overviews and a few podcasts by some…

It is our call to action!

It’s A Call to Action by Dr. Marybeth Leavell

Do you have a call to action? I was immediately intrigued by the title and focus of this book, A Call to Action. It is accurate in its assessment of the culture and challenging in its assessment of the need. Dr. Scott Rodin articulately declared this need for action in the preface by stating: “As…

Actual photo of the plane's path courtesy of Jon Lewis

Directed Steps By Jon Lewis

Directed Steps and Unexpected Paths Two hours into our transatlantic flight, I could tell something was wrong. Having made the long, ten-hour journey from Frankfurt, Germany to Denver, Colorado many times in the past, and having been a former mission pilot myself, I knew that the shortest, great route course was one that should take us straight…

The WOW of Creation!

The WOW of Creation By Dr. Bob Snyder

God’s Splendor on Display in Creation “For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” ~ Romans 1:20, NIV  God’s eternal power and divine nature are visible to me…

The path to passion and purpse!

Finding Your True Passion By Elaine Welcome

A Journey to Finding Passion and Purpose Fully understanding your passion can change everything about your life. Have you ever wished to attain the state of “working” without feeling like working? To ensure that every day is an exciting opportunity instead of a mundane task, why not invest in knowing your passion and ensuring that…

Perspective-setting and monthers!

A Mother’s Day Reflection By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

Celebrating a Mother’s Lifelong Influence With this past Sunday’s Mother’s Day in mind, Maestro-level leaders Founder Dr. Mark L. Vincent wrote this reflection. Today we share it with you! It was initially written for the Maestro-level leader cohort participants that receive a brief, perspective-setting note each Sunday as one resource for the cadence of the…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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