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Know How You Process Information By Mark L. Vincent

Understand how you and others process information so you can live wide-awake! I’ve found it a worthwhile pursuit to learn how people process information, how they respond, and how they use or do not use that information to grow in wisdom. Learning style insights are being applied across many disciplines, and most especially among those…

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How to Know God in Your Life By David Sanford

Wrong and Right Ways to Know God Is in Your Life Jason is still a good friend of mine. He used to be an outstanding Christian leader. One of the best. After several hard experiences, though, Jason no longer felt God was in His life. “God,” Jason prayed, “if You are real, say something. I…

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Discover What’s Key to Thriving By Christine Talbot

  Do you know what will be key to thriving in what’s coming next? Thriving in what is ahead of me is on my mind.  I’m sitting at my kitchen table working from home in month sixteen of our organization’s pandemic remote work plan. Our organization has decided to return to offices on a hybrid…

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Thriving with Breakthrough Innovation By Edgar Sandoval Sr.

Breakthrough Innovation is Critical As Christians, we experience the ultimate breakthrough when we surrender to Jesus. We can go only so far on our own; submitting to God’s will changes everything in our lives, opening possibilities we couldn’t previously reach. We are in a moment of unprecedented change and disruption. More than ever as leaders…

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Inflating Generosity by Ron Frey

Inflating Generosity and It’s Impact on Giving I’ve got a secret. I am a billionaire, and you can be too. Here is the proof: a twenty-billion-dollar bill from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. Now, because of Zimbabwe’s economic failure, this bill is not worth the paper it is printed on. It does, however, illustrate a…

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Thanksgiving for God’s Faithfulness!

A WORD OF THANKSGIVING FOR GOD’S FAITHFULNESS Today we give thanks for God’s faithfulness and presence during the Outcomes Conference 2021. The theme for our live conference event, and the digital versions to follow this year, is THRIVE. We feel God’s presence profoundly during uncertain times. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we can…

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Let the Holy Spirit Lead By Ed McDowell

Let the Holy Spirit Lead Please! Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another. Galatians 5:25–26 NLT As leaders, we know what it is like to live in our…

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Defeat Your Greatest Enemy By Matt Fore

  3 Insights Into Defeating Your Greatest Enemy Do you ever find yourself secretly discouraged or on the. the bring of feat? Maybe you’ve heard a message, read an article or even a scripture that, while it was intended to encourage, it left you confused or even disheartened. For a number of years, I was…

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Investing in Your People and Mission By Giselle Jenkins

Investing in Your People is Investing in Your Mission Every mission leader faces this moment of dread at one time or another. A team member says, “I’ve got some news to share; can we get together?” This person who you value dearly, who is committed to your cause and is a great coworker, tells you…

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The Contentment Cycle By Alec Hill and Leighton Ford

Where do you find yourself in the contentment cycle? Over the course of our two lives, contentment has often flowed easily – including leading fruitful ministries. But at other times, contentment has proven to be frustratingly elusive. Almost nigh impossible. In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul addressed this subject head-on. Rotting in…

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