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Financial Management Resources Showcase

SHOWCASE FRIDAY: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT RESOURCES Financial Management Resources is the focus of today’s  Christian Leadership Alliance showcase series. Let’s take a look at this week’s best of the best list. AcctTwo Delivering the future of finance and accounting, AcctTwo is a leading consulting firm and provider of Managed Accounting Services. Our sophisticated systems solve the issues…

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Frame Your Appeal By Ron Frey

How will you frame your appeal now? How is your fundraising appeal doing in the midst of massive cultural change? The impact of COVID-19, George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the polarization of politics around so many social and economic issues, are shifting what donors feel is their highest priority for giving. How…

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Paycheck Protection Program Update

Paycheck Protection Program Loans – You can still apply! You have probably heard of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) signed into law by the President in March 2020. This program is a part of the larger Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act (CARES) intended to provide economic relief to small businesses impacted by COVID-19.…

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A Cosmic Lifeguard By Jon Lewis

 A Cosmic Lifeguard and a Lesson from Genesis The hot sun glistens off the water of the busy community swimming pool as the lifeguard, high up in his elevated chair, scans the summer bathers with a trained eye. Suddenly, he blows his whistle and points to a cluster of young boys engaged in some energetic…

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Key Metrics for Donor Acquisition by Jillian Jenkins Mangin

TWO KEY METRICS THAT ARE CRITICAL TO DONOR ACQUISITION The start of a new year is one of the most enjoyable times of year for those of us who work in fundraising. The gifts are entered, the batches are complete, and now we get to see the cumulative impact of donors who were inspired to…

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Showcase Friday: Resource Development

Showcase Friday: Resource Development Consultants & Services   This week, the  Christian Leadership Alliance showcase series focuses on experts in the areas of resource development and fundraising! Next Friday, we will continue a focus on Resource Development and showcase those who specialize in technology that makes giving easy! Now remember, for the rest of the Fridays…

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Move Away, Toward, and Beyond By Mark L. Vincent

    What changes when you move in a different direction? The way you move could reveal where you stand today. I’ve not put any headers on the three columns, above. There is something in me that resists labels and categories at this cultural moment. They all too easily end up in name-calling. You might…

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Showcase Friday: People Management & Care Resource

It’s Showcase Friday: People Management and Care Welcome to Christian Leadership Alliance’ s Showcase Friday series. We recognize in these uncertain times many leaders are identifying pain points and looking for new ways to accomplish all they have been called to do.  Sometimes new paths require new partners and resources.  For the rest of the…

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The Time to Become Less By Howard Rich

Stewards Know When It is Time to Become Less Take a moment and think back to a time when you were placed in a new leadership where someone was willing to become less significant because of your new assignment.  Was there an advocate that believed in your abilities?  Did someone push you along? Our Advocates…

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Culture Over Vision or Mission By Doug Mazza

The Culture far outweighs an organization’s vision or mission. Your culture is more important to your success than your vision or mission. All sustainable success requires a great culture. “May the God who gives endurance, and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one…

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