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Not-for-Profit Accounting and Reporting Issues By Brown and Jakosz

3 Key Not-for-Profit Accounting and Reporting Issues There have been many changes in not-for-profit accounting and auditing standards recently, along with other reporting developments and considerations. Here’s a look at three of the most significant issues your organization should be aware of. Non-financial Gifts-in-Kind Many not-for-profit organizations rely on donations of nonfinancial gifts-in-kind (GIK) —…

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Discover How Vision Births Legacy By Alex McElroy

How do you pursue a vision that leaves a legacy? Do you long to see your vision be completed? If so, you must long for someone to carry on your legacy. True leaders see their vision as more important than themselves. Therefore, true leaders long to see their vision come to fulfillment even if they…

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Asking the Right Questions by Dr. Gary Hoag

Why should board directors ask the right questions?   At the CMA Church and Nonprofit Governance Forum in Perth, Australia, on 22 February 2019, Mal Cooke, a wise lawyer and seasoned board member made this opening comment in his workshop. “The most significant statements you will ever make in a board room end with a…

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A Yardstick for Slander By Paul Swamidass

The Biblical Yardstick for Slander A Biblical yardstick is needed for slander otherwise it destroys trust within organizations. It causes the members of an organization become wary of each other.  It harshly cuts down its victim. And finally, the Bible says, slander is ungodly sin, again and again. If not controlled in Christian organizations, it…

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ONLY By Karen Moore

  The desire of the righteous end only in good. – Proverbs 11:23, NRSV Only is a word we often use to emphasize a point. We might say, “ I only want this one thing!” What we mean is, you should listen to me because I‘ve got a request, and so it deserves to be…

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Laughter Heals You By Matt Fore

Three Ways Laughter Can Help You Heal Why is laughter so important to all of us?  Well, there are exactly 9 billion medications now available over the counter according to a study I just made up in my head. So, perhaps it’s not quite that many. But it’s a lot. The subject of illness is…

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Transactional versus Transformational Giving by Robert Yi

Do you encourage transactional  or transformation giving? Non-profit organizations and their donors have unwittingly created a culture of “transactional giving.” Today’s approach to fundraising is formulaic: offer a simple proposition describing what a specific donation will achieve. $30 provides three laying hens for a family. $38 per month sponsors a child living in poverty. $100…

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Does God Care? By David Wills

Does God care where we give? God cares about each of us. He allows us to steward financial resources for His glory and our good. He knows that as we glorify Him out of gratitude for His gifts to us, we experience true life. And He desires that we reflect His generosity through our giving.…

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A Steward leader in the Storm by Andrea Leigh Capuyan

How does a steward leader encounter the storm? The storm is raging all around me, and it is raging in me. How can God remain so still? Is he sleeping and unaware? How am I supposed to continue steering this boat when the strong winds blow? Even in the midst of chaos, we remain stewards.…

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Winning Goals – Part Two By Dr. Daniel Hallak

  The Heart of Winning Goals – Part Two Decades of research tells us that that goals are a powerful motivational force for winning. The deeper challenge is how to set the right goals and orient our hearts to put effort toward the things that matter most. When we set goals and take action, we…

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