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Leadership as Worship By Larry Gadbaugh

What difference would it make if we viewed our calling in leadership as worship? Following Jesus in our stewardship as leaders includes helping those we lead and live as an act of worship. Jesus understood that his Father’s calling for him was to lead others to become true worshipers of God [Jn 4:23]. God calls…

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Discover What’s Key to Thriving By Christine Talbot

  Do you know what will be key to thriving in what’s coming next? Thriving in what is ahead of me is on my mind.  I’m sitting at my kitchen table working from home in month sixteen of our organization’s pandemic remote work plan. Our organization has decided to return to offices on a hybrid…

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Let the Holy Spirit Lead By Ed McDowell

Let the Holy Spirit Lead Please! Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another. Galatians 5:25–26 NLT As leaders, we know what it is like to live in our…

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The Contentment Cycle By Alec Hill and Leighton Ford

Where do you find yourself in the contentment cycle? Over the course of our two lives, contentment has often flowed easily – including leading fruitful ministries. But at other times, contentment has proven to be frustratingly elusive. Almost nigh impossible. In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul addressed this subject head-on. Rotting in…

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Lead Like it Matters to God By W. Scott Brown

Outcomes Conference Book of the Year Lead Like it Matters to God This week, as we mark the 45th Anniversary of Christian Leadership Alliance, we are pleased to announce the Outcomes Conference Book of the Year, Lead Like it Matters to God by Rich Stearns. Rich is the president emeritus of World Vision U.S., and…

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Discover Words That Inspire By R. Scott Rodin

Words That Inspire Leaders Writing blogs on leadership always presents the challenge of articulating new ways and words to inspire and equip leaders. These blogs are meant to share unique angles on leadership practices that can inform and encourage our readers for today’s challenges. Recently, however, I’ve found myself reflecting on words of advice from…

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Luke and Theophilus By Paul Swamidass

 A Tale of Two Leaders: Luke and Theophilus The gospel of Luke starts with the following words of dedication explaining that it is a carefully prepared account for Theophilus: “…it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that…

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God’s Provision for Leaders By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

  God’s Provision for Those Who Trust Him Sometimes our leadership practice looks like we are obeying the economics of supply and demand versus trusting God’s provision. We have budgets to meet, folks knocking at our office door, and there is always one more nagging email. Our time and attention become an exchange of ‘goods…

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Competencies to Measure Authentic Leaders By Dr. John C. Reynolds

4 Critical Competencies Used to Measure Authentic Leaders Generally, authors in the leadership literature simply recognize an authentic leader through the leader’s intentional process of positive actions that encourage transparent and open decision-making. The authors Goffee and Jones in their book, Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?   pen my favorite definition. Goffee and…

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Invest in Every Christian Leader Thriving

A Call to Invest in the Multiplication of Thriving Leaders In October 2019,  the Christian Leadership Alliance board of directors changed the Alliance’s mission statement to, “Every Christian Leader Thriving.” This change happened because they envision a world in which all Christian leaders would  steward their lives, resources and callings with Christ-honoring excellence, influence and…

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