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The New Lease Accounting Standards By Lisa D. Wabby

Planning for the New Accounting Standard for Your Leases It is time to learn and plan for a new accounting standard related to your lease. One  significant update is ASC 842, Leases. Under this new accounting standard, organizations that lease assets will now be required to recognize a right-of-use asset and lease liability for operating…

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Five Keys to Unlock Major Donor Generosity By Robert Yi

  Unlock Transformational Generosity From Your Donor Community! Every year, Westfall Gold conducts an in-depth analysis of the impact of our weekend experiences and how they unlock major donor generosity. The application of what we’ve learned has resulted in increased average gifts at our events from $50,804 in 2014 to $162,437 in 2020. For the…

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Let the Holy Spirit Lead By Ed McDowell

Let the Holy Spirit Lead Please! Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another. Galatians 5:25–26 NLT As leaders, we know what it is like to live in our…

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Defeat Your Greatest Enemy By Matt Fore

  3 Insights Into Defeating Your Greatest Enemy Do you ever find yourself secretly discouraged or on the. the bring of feat? Maybe you’ve heard a message, read an article or even a scripture that, while it was intended to encourage, it left you confused or even disheartened. For a number of years, I was…

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Addressing the Under-Performing Board Member By John Pearson

    7 Reasons You Must Exit an Under-Performing Board Member There are at least seven reasons why a board must remove an under-performing Board member. Is it time to address the elephant in the room? 1. Missed Meetings If your under-performing board member misses meetings and doesn’t apologize or explain her absences—then the board…

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The Stewardship of Character By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

It’s About Character, Not the Money!   Lately, I find myself saying, “Stewardship is NOT about money.” As a leader in Christian ministry, it is tempting to reduce stewardship down to financial gifts. Yet, stewardship concepts are about our whole life – inside and out. And the most important leadership principle is the stewardship of…

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Investing in Your People and Mission By Giselle Jenkins

Investing in Your People is Investing in Your Mission Every mission leader faces this moment of dread at one time or another. A team member says, “I’ve got some news to share; can we get together?” This person who you value dearly, who is committed to your cause and is a great coworker, tells you…

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The Contentment Cycle By Alec Hill and Leighton Ford

Where do you find yourself in the contentment cycle? Over the course of our two lives, contentment has often flowed easily – including leading fruitful ministries. But at other times, contentment has proven to be frustratingly elusive. Almost nigh impossible. In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul addressed this subject head-on. Rotting in…

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Relationships and Covenant By Mark L. Vincent

A Reflection on the Importance of Relationships and Covenant The family, colleague, and client relationships in which I am immersed reflect a whole kaleidoscope of backgrounds, personalities, convictions, and skills. I live in holy covenant with these people I love, pledged to support, encourage, think, and share in the ups and downs.  Sometimes this is…

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What To Believe About Employee Wellness By Ginger Hill

Employee Wellness:  What do you believe and what do they need? Everything we do starts with what we believe. What do you believe about the role of your organization in supporting employee health and wellness?  What do you believe about what your employees need? What do you believe? From a biblical standpoint, King Solomon gives…

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