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Fundraising Pressure By Randy Bronkema

Don’t Let the Pressure of Fundraising Cripple You! So, you are relatively new to fundraising and now you’re a new Development Director. The Executive Director of the Board says you must raise $150,000 in your first year! That amount will cover the cost of bringing you on and will give the ministry a good return…

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The Truth About Control By Wayne Hastings

What’s got control of you? We, especially those of us who live in the Western world, love to think we are in control. We think—in fact, we’re told from a young age—that we can do it all. We work so hard to control our money, our time, our talents, and yet—no matter how hard we…

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How Leaders Make Connections By Lee Ellis

Two Foolproof Ways that Leaders Make Connections What is it like when you work with a highly competent, skilled staff member that has little ability to connect with others? In my experience it’s frustrating and mentally draining! This soft skill of connecting with others is the art of leadership. To master this art, you must…

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Investing Gifts from God By David Smith

Eight Investors of God’s Gifts Found in Scripture We are each given gifts from God. For some of us, our gift is giving generously from our financial resources. Others are given the gift of encouragement. Some receive the ability to lead or show mercy (see Romans 12:6-8). But all people can invest in the lives…

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What Do You Trust? By Dr. Gary Hoag

What you trust determines how you handle challenging times. Trust can be an anchor in the storm. As the financial status of the world appears to be vulnerable, you’ve probably been tempted to get stressed out and worry about your personal or ministry finances. I know I have! I feel this pressure from our culture,…

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Megatrends Impacting Philanthropy By Robert Yi

Megatrends Impacting Philanthropy: Global Economy Over the next decade global economic, technological, and social trends will impact philanthropy and transform how nonprofits fundraise. As organizations develop their next long-term strategic plan, leaders must keep in mind five megatrends which will have significant implications for fundraising: Global Economy: China and India lead a diversified global economy…

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Effective Board Engagement By Tom Okarma

Twelve ways to achieve effective board engagement. Know how to get a few good board directors? Start with a lot of good directors! A couple of nonprofit boards I am somewhat familiar with are in the process of losing some good directors by their own personal choice, not due to term limits. This is a…

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Thank God It’s… By R. Scott Rodin

Rethinking our view of work in light of God’s greater mission. “Thank God it’s Friday!” Have you ever said that? Thought it? If we’re not careful, we can fall into a distorted view of work that permeates our culture. For many, work is the toilsome necessity that we endure in order to enjoy the good…

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Get Ready for a Revolution of Generosity By Rich Haynie

Join the Revolution! Each of us on the OC Stewardship Ministries Team has chosen to be involved in what we call, “a revolution in generosity”. The US citizen has contributed 2-3% annually to charity overour 200+ years of existence. To improve this, we believe that a movement must take place with our partners; that we…

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Enduring the Worst Day of Your Life By Matt Fore

How Do You Endure the Worst Day of Your Life? Why is it in life you always get in the wrong line at the department store? It was the shortest one and seemed like a good idea but, as usual, you’re behind a lady who is looking through a pocketbook/file cabinet for a two-dollar coupon. You’ll never make it on time.…

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