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Marvin Campbell - Navigators

Outcomes Conference 24 Highlight: Meet Marvin Campbell

Marvin Campbell Equips Disciple Makers Marin Campbell is the U.S. President of The Navigators. He will take the stage for the Christian Leadership Alliance annual Outcomes Conference 2024. His journey of faith brings him to this moment in time. When appointed to his current role, the chairman of the board described Marvin this way, “Marvin is…

Strategic Planning as a Steward Leader

The Importance of Strategic Planning By Dr. Al Hearne II

Strategic Planning from a Steward Leader Perspective Today’s blog is the first in a series that will delve into the importance of strategic planning in all areas of the steward leader’s life. This blog explains the importance of strategic planning and describes a six-step strategic planning process. Future blogs will cover the importance of strategic…

Dr. Rob McKenna

Outcome Conference 24 Highlight: Dr. Rob McKenna

Dr. Rob McKenna Brings a WiLD Conversation to the Outcomes Mainstage Dr. Rob McKenna, the founder of WiLD Leaders, graces the Mainstage at the Outcomes Conference 2024. He will inspire conversation and community by bringing his infamous WiLD Conversations to life for over 1,000 leaders. Typically hosting these conversations on Fridays with an online community,…

Pastor Salguero  2024 highlight

Outcomes Conference 24 Highlight: Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero

Pastor Salguero Kicks Off the Outcomes Conference 2024 The Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero is the opening Mainstage keynote for the Outcomes Conference 2024. He is the lead pastor of The Gathering, a Latino-led multi-ethnic Assemblies of God congregation in Orlando, Florida. We are full of expectancy for his message and how God will use him to reveal…

Bringing it all together

Bringing It All Together By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

Steward Leadership, Work, and Life Calling Come Together During seasons of rest from work, it is essential to reflect and bring what matters most all together. Even God rested from His work of creation! Human beings, created in God’s image, find meaning and purpose in work. And, like God, it is important to rest from…

Powerful and prepared

The Power of Preparation By Chris Jorgensen

The Power of Knowing Your One Thing In his book The One Thing, Gary Keller makes the case that leaders will have a much more significant impact if they focus on the answer to this question: “What’s the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”…

Healthy Leadership for Thriving Organizations Outcomes Conference 2024

The Outcomes Conference 2024 Book of the Year!

Book of the Year: Healthy Leadership for Thriving Organizations Christian Leadership Alliance announces the Outcomes Conference 2024 Book of the Year, Healthy Leadership for Thriving Organizations: Creating Contexts Where People Flourish (Baker Academic, December 2023) by Dr. Justin A. Irving. Meet Dr. Justin A. Irving Dr Justin A. Irving serves as the Duke K. McCall…

Jesus and His Twelve

Jesus and His Team of Twelve By Donna Bostick

Learning to Build and Lead a Team Like Jesus Jesus was a master at recruiting, building, and leading a team. We can learn many lessons from his life, and leadership is undoubtedly among them. He made himself the ultimate example and set the pace so they could lean, listen, do, and follow. Here is a…

Gospel of Luke

7 Executive Leadership Principles By Ed Fry

Executive Leadership Principles from the Gospel of Luke Biblical executive leadership often looks very different from the rest of the world. But this is how Jesus lived — counter-cultural, redefining who a leader should be. The Gospel of Luke contains a wealth of insights into executive leadership principles as Jesus would display them. If we…

The Content Leader

The Content Leader By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Overcoming the Struggle to Become a Content Leader How do leadership decisions reflect a growth mindset anchored by contentment? How do I model satisfaction and a desire for abundance as a leader? As a faithful steward, my leadership journey constantly explores trust, submission, and freedom. To model and lead others well, this examination is first…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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