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Jesus: Ultimate Team Builder by Mark Siegrist

By Mark Siegrist ~ Jesus’ interactions with his team of 12 created a culture of excellence that every organization would do well to embrace. What can we learn from Jesus, the ultimate team builder? In Jesus CEO (Hachette Books, 1996), Laura Beth Jones observes that “once Jesus began his work in earnest, he wasted no…

Links between steward leaders and their stuff

Steward Leaders and Their Stuff by Wes Willmer

By Wes Willmer ~ Did you know that possessions are mentioned in Scripture three times more than love, seven times more than prayer, and eight times more than belief?  So what is the link between steward leaders and their stuff? Clearly it is very important to God and the manner in which the topic appears…

Creativity Is A Process by Brad Lomenick

By Brad Lomenick~ Ever heard of Dick Fosbury? He changed the trajectory of an entire sport with his new and creative way to high-jump, appropriately titled the “Fosbury Flop,” still in vogue today. Innovation has changed the music industry, moving from records to cassettes to CDs and now digital downloads. The iPhone and iPad changed…

Seven Steps to Improve Outcomes by Mark Forshaw

By Mark Forshaw ~ Today we are going to learn from a case study and review the seven steps to improve outcomes in your ministry. To better monitor and create clearer metrics for its mission, American Bible Society, in 2006, launched a pioneering research group called Global Scripture Impact. This team of international and domestic…

CCNL: Leadership Reflection

Personal Mission Reflections by Dr. Teresa M. Moon

  Today’s post is from Dr. Teresa M. Moon, the Founding President/CEO of the Institute for Cultural Communicators (ICC).  Teresa uses her doctorate in strategic leadership to develop people and cultures. Teresa is committed to continuous learning, fascinated by culture studies, energized by bold ideas and coffee, passionate about inter generational relationships and teams, and…

The Character of Steward Leaders by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ The issue of a leader’s personal character is crucial, especially considering followers of Jesus Christ should be outstanding examples of trustworthiness, yet there seems to be a lethargy and complacency concerning integrity among some Christians, which is out of sync with so many of the teachings in Scripture. Character is an…

A Story of God-honoring Excellence by Dr. Deana L. Porterfield

By Dr. Deana L. Porterfield Early in my career at Azusa Pacific University, my mentor — then current president Dr. Jon Wallace — regularly used the phrase, “Excellence honors God and mediocrity is a sin.” I struggled with the phrase, attempting to understand my daily call, while not becoming legalistic in how I measured my…

The Rhythm of Grace

Watching the Road Signs

Matthew 11:28-30, THE  MESSAGE Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything…

Past. Present. Future. What's your perspective?

Perspectives: Past. Present. Future.

In 2016 Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) celebrates 40 years of equipping and uniting leaders to transform the world for Christ. The theme of the Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2016 is “Perspectives.” That perspective is about where we as Christian leaders and organizations have journeyed together these past 40 years, how we embrace this moment in…

A Steward of God's Platform by Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent ~ Christian leaders steeped in stewardship theology readily affirm that God owns all. Most will also readily agree that this ownership applies to all that is virtual just as much as all that is tactile. If you agree then you know that any blog/social media/website/tweets/publications or posts are God’s too. In short,…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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